Show IW MT VANT ANT NEW NEV Fl FORM I CITY GOVERNMENT Improvement League Would Have It Like Business Corporation WILL JILL WORK OUT THE PLAN Committee Is b Appointed to I BJ It to Perfection Work oik Ol A new form of municipal government govern Jovern- ment mont for COl Salt Lake was the principal topic for COl discussion at the meeting of th the Civic Improvement len league ue held at Ih the her Y 1 M. M C C. A. A last Jast night This matter which has hns been discussed b by time of oC the prominent atthe ol ot the league has for Its Us object ct the time put putting Jut Jut- ting of oC the affairs of or government of or orthe the he city cUy on a n. business J basis and running run run- rung ning municipal affairs on plans similar similar simi simi- lar to those now employed b by large business h s corporations So far Car as worked worked work work- e ed out the plan is to have the time affairs of or the city In the hands s of or five elective e who would act In the same capacity as directors of a business cor cor- Ono One of oC the objects that the advocates o of the plan hope to realize Is to do away with the election and appointment of oC men for ordinary na 1 clerical positions lons such as recorder and treasurer A committee consisting consisting- of O. O II 11 lowlett Howlett chairman and anti M. M H. H Halk Walker Walk alk alker er George W Lawrence II n l L. L ar ard arll and W. W H. H King ICing was appointed to devise ways wn's and ami means menns of oC bringing the he plan to perfection and anti presenting It t to the public for Cor adoption The rue committee will begin Its work Ironic Ironic- lately 1 an and will report to the time league cague In n two weeks Would Employ EJ Artist 11 bl Tho The Jea league le passed a resolution tobe tobe to be presented to the city c council re recommending re- re commending that Charles M M. Robinson Robin Robin- son a landscape artist and civic improvement im Im- im- im provement of Boston be employed em- em by hy the time city to prepare plan plans for or future Improvements In Salt Lake The he Ideas of th tho th members of the Ica league ue as expressed In the discussion were vero that some sonic plans should he be ma made e for or the general Improvement and parking of the city so that the time work of f improvement ement however slow It would necessarily be would be he lone done with a definite o object In fn view and along long uniform lines iines |