Show I O o. o 0 o o q o. o o O O o. o Labors Labor's s 's Answer to Party Today Inlay the Utah Uth Federation of Labor harbor e of the time trado that have haM combined to make ac c 1 I abor a n petrel fC In III Utah will mil h ne a call ull for mi Ii a inn iris IlUs s meeting to he hc held Sunday mi at nt which time lime a n Labor ticket will till he hc nJ nominated and placed before the time people for consideration colI at t th polls in Xo November I THIS is TUg TAI H OF OP LABOR ABOH TO fO TilE THE It S PARTY PAnTY Ol cd labor in Utah in ht general and antI in III Salt Snit county III In particular does ts Dot ant feel Kindly toward O the thc party palt for allowing III J J. J T. T finery to IJo poo e as a. tho the c of the labor cl clement of the state slate Lin lr cry was ns thrown 11 out of the of time the Bridge fc C Structured Structural lion Workers Workers' wrier union and amid then charged with Ith embezzling Its funds n a char charge c for which he will soon answer CI before the thc District I court Yet let this thi man num La CI discredited In III the e eyes c of his repudiated bj by h honest homiest labor with no nn islanding before the thc people he hc represented stood Mood up lip in hi the count county enlon cUIl and HIllI dominated d the selection of a II c ticket A 1 deal was made bj by h the l unites h bj by which a number of labor candidates were to be bc named 1 on that ticket in ill order that time the plans of the Utah Federation of Labor ml might ht be balked mu and amid that lint Labor Ibor l be bc throttled in III It Its Its' to O put II up a ticket of lt IL its its' own oun A MORE MORK C CHARACTERISTIC I. HA CASE SE OF OP O WAS AS Nl NEVER XI EIt EH I B By allowing ln a II discredited deposed labor to pose po-e before their convention as us the tho ed c of Labor time the party offered an ami in insult to unionism which can not be hc mistaken for 01 all anything less it was nos not only an mu insult to so union labor but hut an nil Insult to the thc Intelligence of or the people told and n a clear concise exhibition of the art l of bulldozing To 10 follow this tills of a II man charged with ling time the funds of hl his union with illi a statement that the thc party part could not vein lii the thc count election without the thc labor vole otc uc wn an nut additional In insult lIlt to tn INTERFERENCE BY KY THE A J S I PARTY nTY WILL II HE REBUKED BY t 6 0 t- t tt t 0 e- e 0 0 0 e h |