Show MARINES ORDERED TO CUBA GUBA AT ONCE i Large Force Will Be Ready toLand toLand to toLand Land Before Sunday Comes INTERVENTION IS AT HAND In ht Pence Negotiations X Leads Secretary Tuft Taft to Send SentI Urgent Call Cull for Troops Sept 25 At t At th tho ho assembly as J of If f the Moderate party parts this afternoon Pr Pro President Pal ma and Vice k President Capote signified I their Intention of rc rc- I 1 the pr presidency and amid vice Ice J leney deney The file a n n- n rc resolved not to 0 I c Secretary Tafts Taft's proposals of or a a. hasps hu of peace l President 1 stated that thai the cull call for fOI an extraordinary extra extra- 4 ordinary session e c lon slon of coo congress tress rc s on Friday Fridays j wn s for the purpose C of pr presenting the ther r resignations I nn iJ The situation has now developed In Into Into into In- In to u n state stale of complete confusion Secretary Sec Sec- Taft slated Matted that limit the RO government eminent o will U continuo to lo In Cuba Culm after Friday Ilc despite tIle the reported resl nn- nn The Tho secretary added This upsets ts our hope of nf an un early settlement of Cubits Cubans difficulties but wo 0 will start on a n new new w plan tomorrow No 0 United States Stales troops will whit ho bo lauded laud laud- ed cil for the present ent nt at last Ica 1 A general state of or uncertainty prevails pre pre- prevails vails valls rc regarding the lie outcome of the call for COl an extraordinary Fe session lon of con con- gros rc ais us to whether it 61 not n a 1 quorum will wUl be bo present nL TIre Tiro tremendous rains of the lust last three hays das mikes makes it probable that Hint the lie impatient troops will swill refuse to remain quiet and It dl Is li feared that disorders will commence when the success non ful termination of the time peace acC negotiations negotiations negotiations becomes known t H Havana It Havana Sept 25 It 1 l b CI 1 Q that lh t h T will wm liol not bo ba boa a quorum quorum at al the the- tra t 1 bt of r c ni rusS rass tn and if an t fat fat- th ii e- e r s1 f sr nt Palma Pal Pal- lma l- l ma and Vice Capoto will hi hibe be acted upon l President of oC the tho he house of oC representatives in an nn inter inter- vie Je w the Publishers Publishers' Press correspondent correspondent cor cor- respondent said tonj tonight ht There Is great Indignation among the Moderates regarding the Americans Americans Ameri Amerl- cans ns proposing peace terms favoring tho the Liberals The Moderates do O not sanction the action of the commission Jr Ir n arranging terms favorable to the i revolutionary evolutionary party part and will not at attend attend attend at- at tend the congress leaving the alternative tive live of ot American Intervention or the Liberals seizing the government go Since the thc arrival al of oC tho rho American commissioners commissioners commissioners commis commis- the revolutionary movement mo In has grown brown Iown strength Senor a added that the In Increase Increase increase In- In crease in In tho the numbers of ot the Insurgents Insurgents insurgents gents IK Is duo to tho the reports that the tho peace terms include o the tho payment of oC revolutionary soldiers A report cause caused b by the receipt by Secretary Secretary- Taft raft of or a cablegrams cablegram from flom Washington was circulated tonight stating slating that American troops will land landin in its Cuba tomorrow The members of oC the commission refuse to either confirm or deny icily the I receipt of ot such a cablegram Washington ton Sept 25 A A crisis has arisen arivon In the peace negotiations In fu Cuba Cuha After Arter a da day of ot unusual activity Hy and secrecy In ht the Navy avy department It was officially announced this afternoon that fifteen hundred marines had been beels ordered ordered ordered or or- dered sent to Cuba without del delay Armed Intervention seems at hand The machinery that was arranged weeks ago for Just such an emergency has been set et In ins In motion Before Sunday the tho a additional forces will be In the harbors of or that island ready for landing The Tho call came camo from Secretary Taft TaCt It went direct to the President at atO Oyster O ster Bay Da The Tho order ordel for the startIng start- start startIng starting Ing of the marines murines came camo front from tho time j President Within an hour It had been sent out as at a departmental instruction to the time places oC of rendezvous It Is said that thal tho the Prairie will e convey front from Dos Boston ton and vicinity the Texas lexas GOO COO from Norfolk and Charleston navy yards ards the tho Brooklyn too from L League ague 1 Island Newport and Annapolis and Washington and s several elal hundred on on tho the Morgan ships from New Orleans and elsewhere Question of or Transportation Capt Wainwright of tho the nay navy and Col of ot tho time arm army held helda a long long- conference this afternoon with Rear near Admiral Converse The subject was one of or transportation for Cor troops Col ll Is the member of or orthe the general start staff of ot the army under whoso whose supervision tho plans for Cor the J e Cuban campaign were prepared It 1 was suggested that In tho the absence of or transports the navy should come to tho the assistance of tho the army and amI operate a ft system between Key West Vest and Ha Ina- vans vana D By this method It was contended contended contended con con- 1 tended that thou thousands of ot regular regular- I a troops could be poured into tho the Island dally Admiral Converse Coer e explained that this plan was not feasible Ho said that for ono one thing state quarantine laws would not permit It such methods metho s of or rapid communication It Is believed hero In n circles that unless there are aro decided concessions conces conces- lions made quickly b by the Palma Palmo government government gov gov- the large largo force of ot marines marine just ordered to Cuba will ho bo supple supple- supplemented short shortly by as 08 man many regulars regular up to or OOOO as vessels to convey can bo be secured Still hopeful Washington has not given Continued Continual on Page Two tt J. J tt l' l I MARINES ORDERED I ITO TO CUBA AT ONCE Continued From Paso One l up UI hope It I m believes that the time Palma yot yet realize Unit that Its government ma may Is g of final will standing in the way ivay peace wi cause armed intervention and its Is own displacement nt anti and will wi make conc concessions conces s- s that will bring a n speedy conclusion conclusion sion to the p peace nce ne negotiations negotiations' It I Is realized that Secretary Taft la is a shrewd diplomat diplomat He was wa sent to Cuba bythe bythe by the tho President to bring about peace a SI OId Id I'd not o range arrange Intervention and believe these officials figl figure figure- they e belc I he will accomplish his mission They y s say that potent power to bring about 1 I a tl working a agreement find and a satisfactory satisfactory tor tory conclusion lon with wih the Cubans will willbe wl he be time the appearance of or a St ml mighty ht tl fleet ct of ships bearing berIng down upon the island o with wih an em arm army capable of or overwhelming overwhelm ing Imig both the time governmental and Insurgent insurgent gent sent forces forces i I I PRESIDENT DISAPPOINTED Still hopes Hope llo cr lo for fOI More dicer Cheer II Ing News Sews Today Oyster Da Bay X N. Y 1 Sept 25 Ad Acl Ad Advices vices received by President Roo Roosevelt l from flOm Secretary of of War Vat 3 Taft TaC at Havana Havana Ha Ha- vana tonight indicate that peace negotiations have failed Caled and American merican Intervention in intervention in- in ter enton Is inevitable Although the Pre President Is Iser er very reluctant Indeed ti to tl admit admi th the failure of oC his envoys official of of- Ical announcement was made at the executive office orce tonight that preparations ions lons were being pushed with wih all ni possible possible pos pos- sible sibil haste iou for the mobilization of ot troops for Cuban invasion It I was also announced that the arm army armm transport Sumner Sunnier now at Brooklyn n navy naY yard I Ihns has hns been or ordered ered into commission and negotiations ore are being conducted with witha vitha a number of or commercial carrier carier concerns eon con COI- COI eel cerns for Ol em the time use of their belt vessels fr case cast Uncle Sams Sam's ships prove inadequate made made- quate In lii the emergency Acting under orders from fi the President Assistant Secretary Latta Lata also notified the time Navy department at Washington ton to make public the fact that additional warships warships war war- ships and marines were being sent to Cuba Cuba- Cuba President Roosevelt is still sti hopeful at today's Is I's disquieting news neiss from roni Secretary Taft TaC may be e followed by by- more mOIe cheering cheering Intelligence tomorrow but lie he Is forced to admit that tho time outlook outlook outlook out out- look is Js exceedingly gloomy gloom This outcome of the time Cuban trouble Is a source of the time ke nest disappointment disappoint disappoInt- mont ment to 10 the President hl H He had hoped until this afternoon the time contending forces on the Island would yield to lo toMi Mr Mi- Ir Tafts Taft's TaC's eloquence anti and agree grce to end the war on mutually acceptable tot terms but the lie advices he received from rom his minister of oC war vat convinced con him him that this his hope was futile and Intervention iy by jy American arms was apparently the time only outcome ACTIVITY AT T XA NAVY Y YARD Uncle Sam Sam 11 Preparing II to Strengthen Forces JoIcs i in iii l Cuban Waters Portsmouth Va Sept 25 Renew Renewed ed activity in hi Portsmouth nav navy yard ard tonight Indicates that Uncle Sam has hns determined to strengthen n the time forces alread already sent to Cuban waters This is apparent on oum all sides and amid one omme of the time biggest detachments of marine rein rein- yet ct assembled for fOl service er in n the Cuban campaign is to be mobil mobil mobil- l ed here for fOl transportation to Cuba hs Is being done domme I hurriedly redl and ani every evely a available 11 QI S the the y rt anti and Elsewhere from which h marll es can bo be bl spared is being drawn upon ullon for or the augmentation of the lou force that hat is to leave here herc within the time next few ew days One of the first steps stops toward the enlargement of the patrol palol fleet feet in tropical waters is the time stir und and bustle of or that places lilaces the second second- class battleship Texas In imi the limelight again Since Sluice the dispersion of tho ho coast defense squadron of which she was vas the flagship the Texas has been ying in Iii ordinary at this nav navy yard ald The flue old battleship was shifted at the yard vard today to the time foremost ton ton- tonn lon iou on omm n the w water vator ter front fro nt and amid tonight coal barges are alongside and the bunkers els el's of the lie ship arc ni-c being hued filled up rapidly as possible and stores stem are c to tobe tobe tobe be put aboard at once It I is understood understood under under- stood that the time ship will wi get et away Saturday Saturday Sat Sat- unla morning If I possible Late this afternoon the United States ship Yankee was put out of commission slon in response c to o orders from Crom Washington ashington and amid her hel crew will be besent besent sent lent to Boston tomorrow as the they are for Cor or other othel battleships An Aim order or ot- 0 der was received to s nd forty ty m rines ti tilt to- th time the United d States ship rie Tt ieuse s now no fitting out t it League Is- Is land and i TAFT'S TAFTS J PROPOSALS S. S Plo ro for Cm Appointment of tin UI Arbi Arbitration ibi- ibi tl Commission lol Havana Haan Sept 25 Secretary Taft raft nude mad public this afternoon the time proposals pro pr- pr submitted 1 by him to the government government gov guy as the tho basis for a peace agreement agree agree- m ment en I These provide for CO the time appointment of ot an arbitration commission of three Moderates three Liberals Illen 16 and amid one American merican to have charge of revising re ho tho election electon laws ians arranging for n a now new election ln dla drawing up UI a new municipal law and amid a civil service law based on that hat of oC time the United States Government GO officials are c In confer conference Once ence this afternoon considering their heir answer to the tho proposals It I is stood tood the time government to gIving ing ng the time commission the power ower to I modi- modi h fy y the results o of the tho la last t el election cUon |