Show I I I PLAYS AND PLAY PEOPLE 1 I Thursday III NIghts Ni-lifs Pi line Jane Corcoran in tn Arthur C. C Alston's Aiston's production of or The ln Freedom of Suzanne Su Su- Su- Su zanne will be bo the attraction at the Salt Lake Lalee theatre on Thursday ay evenIng evening even even- ing and anda a record house should witness the performance Inasmuch as It ItIs Itis itIs is one of or the thc New York Empire theatre successes es which Is under tinder the mon men of ot Mr Carles Caries Frohman tills this alone is a guarantee of or merit The TIle Freedom of or Suzanne deals with the domestic affairs of Suzanne and anti her hot husband from whom she wishes wish wish- es to separate and obtain her freedom There Thero Is sentiment enough h to make malec the tile girl sigh comedy that will make make- all nil laugh Miss Corcoran will vili bo be supported supported supported sup sup- ported by Mr James 1 M. M Brophy who will plays the spouse of or tho the fickle Su Su- Su- Su zanne Tho 8 Opera Company II The rho Stewart Opera company begins llIs Its its' weeks week's engagement at the Salt Sail Lake Lako theatre next Monday night presentIng presenting pre pro three of their big successes from the Broadway theatre New York CIl City as follows On Monday and Tuesday nights the Stanislaus Strange Ludwig Englander comedy opera The Tho Two Roses On One Wednesday Wednesday Wed Wed- l an night Thursday Thursday Thurs Thurs- day night Colliers Alfred Colliers Collier's delightful English comic opera Dorothy Anti And Andon Antion on Friday and amI Saturday nl nights an and Saturday day matinee the Harry B D Smith Smith- I Victor Herbert light opera Babette DI DiShy h Bell In Iii The of Mr lr Ill I'll PilIP DIgby Bell one of the drollest and most artistic o 0 of American comedians will make mako hit il first appearance In this city as Mr t Ir in lit Augustus Thomas Thomaa The Tho Education of or Mr Ir at the Salt Lake theatre next Friday and Saturday f and Saturday matinee The Tue Gibson comedy The fhe Education tion of or Mr III from the tho pen of or Augustus Thomas Thoma whoso whose name is assurance as as- of or line quality owes much of or orIts Its success to Mr lr Bells Bell's and droll little amusing portrayal of or the tho henpecked ed husband About the series of society cartoons of Charles Dana Gibson Augustus tu Thomas ras has constructed a n Idol story full rull to tho the brim with heart thrills and 1111 lau laughs hs lIe He we weds wed s happily his Gibson Girls to Gibson Men not hOW however I until after nil all sorts ports of or If tan tangles brought broughton loughton on by the tho title moil mother Ho lie make of or if Mr lr Gibson Gibsons Cor foreigners very I Interesting an and he lie h has ul given Mr Mi r. r Bell Dell a character and lines s that have enabled th the comedian to create an American type that Is distinctly original and thoroughly arousing amusing He lie HeIs HoIs lieis Is a humble er who nan has mado maulo millions through h United States Stales steel Theatre Starting Starling with the matinee of oC A Royal Slave at the Grand tills thIs after after- noon Mana Manager cr Cox will Inaugurate a series of souvenir matinees H at that for Cor the tle ladles ladle popular Illa playhouse every lall lady attending will lec receive ive a of the performance performance- The Tho matinee maUnce and evening performance of oC A I Royal Roal Slave today will ivill terminate tho the ell ell- en engagement ga ement of oC that excellent ion tion Starting Starling tomorrow Thul Thursday evening e th the Bradford company company com coin pany pan will wiil pr present t for fot three nights and Saturday matinee the melodrama Shadows o of Sin Good Play at lit J I c. c Perhaps the tile best pia yc yet et put on onby only b ly by tile the Lyric Stock com company pany Is' Is The Millionaires Millionaire's Wife Ife which I is on the boards this week It Is a beautiful IlIa play lula and Is IHo produced mo most t creditably All the members of the tile company are aIO areal areat al at home in iii the tile parts allotted to them henl and und In each ca case e act naturally and ami Hh c ease case e As 5 the he heroine Miss 1 Pitt Is nil all that thai could be hc desired b by the most exacting critic In fact the en entire en- en tire ca cast t Is capable and do their work worl con conscientiously and to tu tile the satisfaction of fOr i nl nightly appreciative c audiences Today Today To- To day cay Wednesday lia there will ivill be a re regular regular regu regu- ulal u- u lar lal matinee for fot women and children 11 Ii Gives H Heading 1 Members rs of Unity circle enjoyed a n plea pleasant ant Informal afternoon y yesterday the entertainment being in honor of Miss 1 Baldwin who is to leave earl early arly the coming week weel for Seattle whole whet she he will ivill make her homo hom Th The readings readings read read- ings of Miss Baldwin were an enjoy enjoy- feature of oC the tI afternoon and Included in included In- In eluded Her First Appearance b bj by Richard Harding Davis I the Joo tie set C from the Mill On the Floss ond th tile the NI Night ht Wind by y Eugene Field Miss 1 Tesch al also dell delighted the guests of he afternoon with her pi piano piano piano pi- pi ano numbers of which she gave e a c T ai Following the tho pro program ram the guests passed sed a social hour half-hour and tea was served b by some of or the mom mem b 1 rs IS of or the cir circle l |