Show DEFEAT FO FOR FOLA LA LA FOLLETTE W. W I u. u Conner Ke lk Chairman of 01 Wisconsin Suite Slate Committee Madison WIs Is Sept After Aftel After a ahard ahard hard hUId light In the thc committee the platform plat PInt form Corm committee of the Republican state convention con at an nit early hour this morning made mado Us its report to the convention con con- The platform takes altos a u strong stand against public service corporations corpora corpora- 1 praises the tho primary law low and In Indorses Indorses In- In donse the tho work worle of or Senator Robert M. M La as governor and praises ti his work vork in the senate n against railroad railroad railroad rail rail- road domination and pledges Itself to Lo affect legislation to remedy this It Jt Indorses the tho administration of or Governor Governor Gov Coy Davidson son who is 18 a n candidate for tor ro re W. W D. D Connor candidate lc for lieutenant lieu Hou- Jlou-I Jlou tenant governor So was elected rc chairman chairman chair chair- I man of tho the state central committee at al 1 45 this morning after anel a h ho hoi fight 71 to Il ii This means moans a blow to tho the La Fol- Fol faction |