Show Is Cardinal Virtue of the Newfoundland Ne Seal Hunters noel FIset Brings Back Mil Miladys Milady's dy Shoes and end Soap in inthe tho the Raw Milady dressed in the height of fasl fashion on rarely thinks of the swept storm-swept Arctic seas where sturdy ships have haY been crushed burned burned and blown up in the race to o till fill staunch hulls of the Newfoundland Newfoundland New New- scaling sealing fleet with seal sealskins sealskins sealskins skins and fat from which her fine tine shoes shoes handbag and costly toilet soap may be bo mode made says saysa a bulletin from the Washington D. D C C. headquarters of the National Nation Nation- al G Geographic society With the lengthening days of March thousands of mother seals come up through bobbing holes' holes and bear their young on the shiftIng shift shift- Ing lug ice fields north of Newfound land Innumerable little furry I white puppies lie among the Ice ke pinnacles gaining weight at the phenomenal rate of two or three pounds a day Daddy seal goes oft with his cronies to boast about his young young- ster Mother seal stays home and does the work Hour after hour she sho scours the adjacent icy seas for fish She does docs not feed fish to her young but gobbles great quantities herself so that she may provide abundant rich milk for her offspring When a baby seal Is about two weeks old and resembles a afat afat afat fat roll of butter it may notice Its mother sniffing the air suspiciously suspicious suspicious- ly Not far away a huge black hulk drifts close through shattered ice pans A clamor of strange noises fills nus the air and odd two two- legged creatures run out over the fields of ice The baby seal is too much interested to be disturbed but as several of the intruders draw near its startled mother makes oft with other grown Quickly they slip sUp into the ocean through convenient b breathing r rea e a t thing h I n g holes The baby seal and its playmates play lay mates wriggle toward the strung strang ers rs Early in March a small email fleet n of scarred breaking Ico ships sail out of the bottleneck of St. St Johns John's harbor bound for seal seal peppered peppered Ice co fields oft off Labrador Steamers smash U their lr way WilY through grinding ice Ice ce guided by members of the crew in n lookout barrels high on the masts Their cries of Seals ahead give the signal for fren fren- sled preparations among the millIng millIng mill mill- Ing crews Beneath At the call caU Over the sides nimble raw boned men Jump out oui outon outon on spinning pans arm armed d with dogwood dogwood dog dog- wood bats having iron hooks and spikes razor sharp knives and light drag ropes Acres of moon moon- eyed white pincushions await awalt the fishermen curious and unafraid The sealer scaler attacks his quarry with his bat expertly husks of oft the the th skins and ond adherent ant ent fat faU leaving the carcasses steaming on the ice Three or four are strung on a rope by which the seal sealer r hauls them to one of the colored marker mark mark- er flags where several men pile their catches Later the ship breaks through the to these piles plIes The are arc hoisted hoist hoist- cd ed aboard and dumped into fat fat- soaked holds Back Dack in port the layers fat are cut ol oft the pelts and rendered into inton a n fine odorless colorless oil Rough skins are arc transformed into fine leather The oil is a constituent constituent of some soaps and also 1 Is used as a lubricant as an illuminating oil oU as an en adulterant of coi cod liver oil and in treating leather Seal skins are cut and sewn int Into boots pocketbooks and ond novelty leather goods |