Show TAXES TARES BECOME DELINQUENT MONDAY IOWAY There are only only two and a halt days day left loft In which to pay par taxes for tor forthe forthe the tho year fear 1836 1938 Tares will wUl become becom de delinquent de- de at noon on December Aft After r that date the three percent penalty will be added After January Jannary Jan Jan- uary nary 1937 1931 interest will also be charged charae L The delinquent tax list will appear appear ap ap- pear peer in the December issue laue of ot the Iron county Record but it itIs itis is 11 expected that it will not be as large Urge as LI the tho lists of ot the past peat three years Jean since payments are reported to be much higher this y ar than for several years fears |