Show B P W CLUB ENJOYS CLUn-ENJOYS- ENJOYS WEDDING CAKE CARE The Business and Professional Women club met December 10 at Maryd Cafe Margaret Willams was the speaker for tor the evening and gave a very interesting talk on Ed Ed- I Two musical numbers I were given riven by the trio After Mien the dinner Mrs Mary Rinehart a recent rec ree- I ent eat bride entered in a wedding at attire at at- j I tire attended by two young oung ladies ladles and served each member a piece of wedding cake Mrs Mr Verda Verna Oar Oar- rett was wad a special guest euest The B. B P W. W Club will wilt hold their annual Christmas party Dec Dee 23 at ail Lunts Lunt's Cafe A AI very verr Interesting interestIng interest interest- Ing illi program is fa planned |