Show SUMMIT NEWS Mrs Lillian and children are here visiting with her parents Mr and Mrs John Farrow Mr and Mrs Ray Matheson were visitors at Mrs Hulda W. W Dalley's this week tek Miss Pauline DaIley Dalley Is visiting at Cedar City for an Indefinite time Mr and nd Mrs Bert Farnsworth are spending the summer with 1 Mr and Ms Charles Dalley DalIey Howard Dalley Dailey left lert for Garfield this week for an Indefinite sta stay The Parowan an Stake Presidency were visitors vIsitors vIsitors' at our Sunday school and Sacramental services this week Mr and Mrs Mrs John Farrow and Mr and Mrs Jack Berry have gone genie on ona ona a a toUr tofu our of the national parks Mrs Ray Grimshaw has hu been seriously seriously ser ser- ill but Is Improving slowly now I |