Show DROUTH FORCES WATER TITLE SETTLEMENT t The drouth situation Is now effecting ef feeling the city irrigation system and aM matter of water rights was brough trough before before be fore for fork fore forthe k the city council at the r regular g lar meeting Thursday night As a r result sult the matter of s settling alt all water right Utica titles and regulations was turned ovi over overto i ito to councilman Samuel F. F Leigh Lehl Lehi M. M Jones and Waldon Isom me with the council to make a re request request request re- re quest that that they be permitted to kill beef on r the mountain before delivering delivering deliver deliver- ing it It to it-to to meat shops In Cedar The City ordinance requires that be beef f of offered offered offered of- of for sale by Cedar merchants merchants be killed In a government ac accepted slaughter house thus making It necessary necessary necessary ne ne- to drive the catty cattle to town town fo for slaughter The matter was referred to the Board of Health SO 60 much time Ume was taken up In discussion dis i of PW A loan problems city water d development ta and d sewer system details that It It teas was necessary to ad adjourn adjourn ad ad- journ SOurD until Friday night to pass pay on the ftC m bills bUls |