Show u Iron County Record Entered M as Second Class CUu MM Mati Mattei to tm Cedar City Utah December 18 16 im nn Under the Act Qt of Congress Contros of 01 March Much 3 3 1179 1874 ROLLO it dt SONS PUBLISHERS Issued Thursday of 01 E Each ch Week Subscription Rate Rale One ODe Year Tear in advance advance 1200 2 00 Advertising Advertising Rates Per tingle single column inch per issue to toPer Per tingle single column inch per ague foreign II I I BABY BUDDIES retired and up up- up up-I up bolstered holstered Lawnmowers sharpened and repaired C. C Owen Draper Drap r So 3 East Phone Adv J 14 21 21 28 pd Id iI I i Orpheum I Friday Only Double Bill Lost Patrol And She Had to Say Yes Yes' Yes Yes' SATURDAY UTAH JUNIOR WRANGLERS And Witching Hour Matinee at t 4 p. p m. m lOc Evening 2 shows Starting at 7 30 and 9 S SUN MON r N. N N 1 and nd TUESA TUES A A Mans Man's Castle With LORETTA YOUNG SPENCER TRACY Wednesday and J Thursday u da lOc and Registered Nurse With BEBE DANIELS LYLE Friday and nd Saturday I Double Bill Whirlpool II I With JACK HOLT And Gun Justice With TOM MIX Morris Moms Matheson t at Attorneys Bank Balik of r Southern Soi horn Utah Bldr Cedar City Utah v y I THORLEY Thursday and md Friday Double Feature You'll Scream and Laugh Till Your Hoarse Murder l In InThe The Private Car Also BEBE DANIELS in Cocktail Hour SAT SUN and MON MaN Clark Gable Myrna lA Loy y Win Wm Powell Manhattan Melodrama See Gable in a new type of role as the gentleman Crook Tuesday and Wednesday JIMMY nl ANTE ANTEI I LAUREL HARDY Hollywood I Party T Insured Insure S For I Your r FUNDS When you ou bank at this bank you have the p pro 1 o of complete modern facilities sound eon con and strong management PLUS the extra safety of Deposit Insurance Through oar eur u v me membership bers ip In the Temporary Fund tIk th through gh recent amendment to the Banking Act Aft of pf 1933 deposits in this bank are now insured insured up to for any anyone one depositor Bank Bad here for SERVICE Bank here for SATISFACTION ACe TION Bank here for INSURED SAFETY for lor our your 1 funds ri 4 BASK BANK OF OF SI SOUTHERN UTAI Cedar City Utah SWIM For H Health alth And Pleasure GREGORY SWIMMING POOL POOLa a Now N Open Under New Management Admission Admission- Adults Children Towels and Suits lOc tOe Extra TICKETS FOR TEN SWIMS AT REDUCED PRICE t Everything In IIi BLASTING Powder der Fuse Fus Caps Cap's STOCK AT CEDAR CITY POWDER MAGAZINE Jefferson Mercantile Co I. I E. E Riddle I Milford l Utah Cedar City Uti UW SMALL CLAIMS COURT BLANK BLAN For Sale at Record Office Per Dozen DozeD Everts Bottle hears bears th the Exact Date the Beer was I Brewed Mt Aged in huge ageing vats Blatz Old Heidel Heider- Heide g berg Beer is bott bottled ed at just that time when ageing has lias produced the distinctive flavor Bavor which judges judge of good beer eer prefect Then the BREW- BREW DATE is placed on every ever bottle r- r the l that Bl Blatz tz Old Heidelberg BREW BR W- W DATED Beer is fully fully It is i. als also your guarantee of all aU you like lest best st in beer with beer with no raw flavor Bavor of beer Y eu ii wilt will prefer the the full-bodied full strength the richness of flavor and the mellow creaminess of Blatz Old Heidelberg BREW BREW- DATED Beer BLATZ iab lS BREWING MILWAUKEE CO C m 1131 ca c. aD 1 to s 1 a- a M aV V BEEF sty ate Big Four Distributing Co eon LeRoy Puffer Putter Local Agent Beaver eaver city Pone |