Show Requests County to Remove Town Officials Wm C. C Reeves and Samuel T. T Ford of ot met with the County commissioners at their regular monthly meet meeting In Monday and ask for Cor Information as to how they could have haYe havethe havethe the present officials of the Town corporation removed from of of of- fice flee The present officers were appointed appointed appointed ap ap- ap pointed by the county commissioners at the time the Kanarr Town 1 Corporation Cor Cot was established and these residents are apparently opposed to them continuing in office They were appointed to serve until the election this fall The deputy county attorney who ho Is also attorney for Town was Instructed to Investigate and he stated that he thought every- every could be out satis satis- Leht Lehl M. M Jones David C. C Bulloch and Lamont Lament Sawyer a committee representing representing property owners In the Three Creeks district ask the Commissioners Commissioner for help in improving the road running running run run- ning iron from the Forest boundary to the Kane county line In the Three f Creeks route They explained that the Forst Forst For For- st Service had improved the road from front Webster Flat Plat to the forest boundary and that it would cost approximately to make the road reasonable passable for the balance of the distance dis dis- tance It was decided t to ask th the county FERA to make application to have this designated as an FERA project project pro pro- and to apply to have 25 23 percent of The cost of materials paid for by th the tha government county Surveyor Hillman Hillman Hill Hill- man Dall Dalley Dailey y was Instructed to survey the project and help make a proper location of f the Road An appropriation anon atlon of ot was made from the tho County Road Fund Fond to finance the ne ne me- material costs above what the tha government would assume Proper su au supervision au pervasion was to be provided by the county out of the appropriation Wm Wilt R R. Palmer and M. M J. J Line Urte of the county FERA FIRA committee met with the the commissioners and explained that Mr Palmer had been designated as County Comity Manager of or the and that his salary would now be paid by bythe bythe bythe the government and that thant It necessitate necessitated ed the he appointment of a new county count c chairman who was wat to serve without pay Mr Urie Uric was as approved as as S then the tha n new chairman The commissioners also agreed to pay 2500 per month rental on the officers being used by this dep department as well as telephone postage and insurance expenses The Clerk was Instructed to write the State Tax Commission and ask that permission be granted to the Iron County Commissioners to re convene e as a board of equalization on Monday Monday Mon Mon- day July 16 for the purpose of making making making mak mak- ing adjustments In valuation on Improved improved Im proved farms especially on account of the severe locally and to request re request reo re- quest that a member or representation tion lion of the State Tax Commission Comm be ba present at tha time The balance of the time at the tha meeting was taken up In discussion of ot tax problems and in la passing bills bill etc |