Show MANY PHILIPPINE L PP i iS SOLDIERS S KILLED MEMBERS OF NON POLITICAL PARTY SAID TO HAVE SLAIN ISLAND CONSTABULARY Government Sends Heavy Force ta to Point of Disturbance Coast COlt CoastGuard CoastGuard Guard Patrol Rushes RUlhe to Scene Manila Nineteen Philippine con soldiers including two of have been killed by religious fanatics believed to be members of the a nonpolitical society on Bucas Island laland it is officially slated tat state ed In Iq constabulary advices from Surl Surf gao on the Illan n of Mindanao just received Two hundred additional constabulary have nine been sent to Surf Sari gao Iao Only four of the party of twenty three constabulary men mn which went to tho the island bland escaped The Tho cause of the clash and the wen weapons pons used b by bythe bytho the tho fanatics are unknown here but the they are arc pre presumed to have had only a few firearms The survivors estl estl- muted mated the tho futilities fanatics to number 1000 or or more but this figure is believed belle to tobe tobe tobe be exaggerated The coast guard vessel sailing lalling from here with constabulary constabulary lary will pick up enough noll h others from posts In Samar and Leyte LeYle to double the number on her wo way to The Tile Is n a religious bod body with branches in tn many parts' parts of ot the Philippines its Ita members generally following any leader who Is to convince them that he ho possesses more than natural powers It gave the American authorities much trouble for some time after the Filipino In though for twenty years yeara little tins has been heard of it it The or has hns a purely religious basis and h has s nothing to do with wish any revolutionary propaganda One of the beliefs of ot its members Is s that the seeming imprint of If n a hand handon on a a- a large stone atone In inn Ina n cave of the Sun Cristobal mountains was made by Jesus Christ and pilgrimages often otten are made to the cave cao by barefooted devotees Governor General Leonard Wood expects soon to start for Mindanao to o Investigate the situations arising from Irom the activity of the religious fanatics and aDd the revolutionary move ment among the Moro Moroa |