Show oo I. I R Season Mid-Season Afternoon Frocks e. a rree erae nar r ry y Pretty Caps and Headbands 1 I J I T I I C hoe hat presented a fascinating r Ing In throng of afternoon gowns this Ilea season IOn Yore tore than thon In anything else else else- unless It Il Is la a 0 beautiful hat women lint women 1 i take t pleasure in a successful town grown gown of r this kind It Is a pleasure which must be shared harld by designers since I they theT find In those these dresses opportunities ties to use all nil the means at hand for tel ln telling elaboration and for the expression lion sion of original and clever Ideas Meas They I have lave had tho short sleeved and aM the l sleeved modes to Interpret Interpret It It appears that the finds long loni sleeves leading by lending by a nose Chiffon velvet has been a favorite nil all season Nothing drapes more efi ef ef- i and nothing gives colors a t I I II I I II I I I II I J I h 1 hI I t f e 1 Latest Frocks Have Long Sleeves I better opportunity to to reveal their The gown IOwn at the right of the the tho two shown In the Illustration shows a g tine sine handling of It In sapphire or Egyptian blue blu It is Ia le espe- espe dally effective but so It Is In certain f Shades hades of brown The model is cleverly clev elev erly draped and fastened at the at-the the side with handsome clasps Steel or sliver silver In the clasps look well on blue and Ivory topaz or gold Irold on brown In v either cither case a dark fur contributes a ar arich r rich finish fitch finish recommended on ont i t brown and squirrel l or dark r natural blue i The gown at the left Is la developed In rw blue satin with and a girdle a across across the front of brilliant Ic t y 1 n a a r a 4 S 4 f c M r t a a I. I nl je A t. t j jI i I 4 d e r rA Y j r e A e to tr Caps and Bands Banda for Morning Wear ery In try In black red and gold The embroidered embroidered embroidered em em- broidered bands bunds are ure edged with fur tur and a Ii long sash of the satin Is posed under the girdle at the right tilde side Tills This model Is la best suited to a slender figure figure It It has hus a slightly bodice and a full draped d skirt The other dress U iii adaptable ta to either slender or ful figures since Its drapery Is s arranged In n lines that are almost un un- broken Oh what a difference In the mornIng morn- morn log Ing I between the woman who looks like a wreck of the dream she was the night before and the one ond who manages to look pretty at the l breakfast break break- test fast table When we consider what w t breakfast caps cap and headbands for morning wear will do to help out In a good cause w wP reel feel like Ilke giving them thema a 11 rising vote of thanks And now along g come the new ones gay and dainty some dainty some that conceal the lack of oft t sing and make up for deft l i and some that point with pride to a well well made made coiffure Their name flame Is III legion and In any anT store tore that carries them the they make up an alluring i ing lag company Just the same lame things that have been u used need ed are again used to make the last lut arrivals In morning headwear net nets and end laces Inces ribbons little tower flowers and occasional ornaments It Is I. in the manipulation of ribbons that these new things are ere particularly Interest interest- ing An example appears In the pretty prett breakfast cop cap pictured which is la simply elm elm- ply a full cap of of cream ream colored net with a band of closely shirred narrow satin ribbon edged with frills frills' of vallace val vallace vallace lace about the face But twisted satin ribbon divide the crown In ln w two Un lines of It crossing at the center and loops of ot it are posed against the cap ap at the left side where three strands of ribbon ribbon rib rib- bon boa are braided together together to form tonn a hanging loop A band bond of this narrow ribbon Is la knotted at Intervals and tacked ov over r the upper frill of lace Narrow black velvet ribbon wider satin ribbon and lace edging form the pretty headband shown Little chiffon roses are set along the velvet band alternating with knots in In the ribbon and satin ribbon forms torms ties that fasten the the back of the neck Chiffon ChilTon georgette thin pad and satins are used with laces ant and ribbons ribbons rib rib- bons in many ways for making these them ay becoming bits o of finery They TheT are art tilIng things that can cun be bought everywhere every so that no one need be without these flattering accessories L 2 s Q ji leer lii Wm N w p p r Won |