Show POLITICIANS ARE NERVY oo ASK FOR FOIL FREE SUBSCRIPTIONS AND ADVERTISING WE ADVERTISING WE WE TURN THEM TIIE I DOWN DOWN COIN COIN BRINGS SERVICE 00 i We assert that the politicians I of the state are a nervy neny bunch We have had requests from ir stoic f es f for r complimentary 1 mentar subscription to to the Record Record Record Re Re- cord during the coming campaign campaign cam cam- and I that that we v would receive news concerning candidates which new new is always always al al- ways in the nature of advertis advertis- advertis ing It is easily to be seen teen that free advertising is wanted and andas as we we I have e ne- ne never ner r yet t h had d my any in favors from any party padY that we know of and are not in inthe inthe inthe the habit of giving free of 01 cost subscriptions ns and write ups for candidates we have turned the politicians down assuring them them hO however e that t we e will be pleased to send the Record to them at the s same same me rate rat that Tat we wedo wedo wedo do to all persons persons who ho desire the Record We will give the news hews politically politically politic politic- ally of any person who is nominated nominated nomi nomi- for office or who is out for an office but we will not nott t tell ll all his g good oa qualities and why he is the best man l' l man for the position unless nl ss th there re is some of the c th of realm c coming ming our w way at t i least ast enough to pay forthe for forthe forthe the setting of the articles s the printing mailing of the papers etc So Mr Politicians govern go yourselves accordingly so far as I the Record is concerned I |