Show j THE RECORD Entered as al second cl class matter at atthe atthe atthe the at Cedar City Utah December 1893 under the act ct of connell con- con nell cress of March 3 3 1879 SUBSCRIPTION 1200 PER YEAR w o l eri I Io Continues Until January Sale to be on our regular stock of goods Visit isit us and nd teach dollars have more us your our to more cents SHOE DAYS DRYS I SHIRT DAYS GROCERIES Tuesday Wednesday January Friday January 10 l 90 Sugar January sp a sack This sale will win consist of Mens Men's and Boys' Boys Collar On these two days all Me Mens Men's n s a and n d B Boys Boys' Dr Dress ess an and d y 9 pounds for 1 1 00 Band and Collar attached Dress Shirts 10 35 Coffee 45 C per lb Ib Work Sh Shoes will be discounted from lUto to 55 es Reduced from 10 10 to 35 lD per cent Raisins 3 lbs Ibs for SOC per er cent Now is the time to fit the family with We also have a few Flannel Shirts left left at greatly A. A B. B or P. P C. C Soap 8 bars bare for 50 C shoes for the spring and summer reduced prices Rice 5 lbs Ibs for 50 I Cedar Association I Sheep oo vv WANTED WANTED Half Half dozen copies of the Record of the issue of December 21 1923 Will Vill pay payen payten ten en cents each Bring them to I the he Record office I I A New Body Type I ITHE 1 I I 1 p h Ih I I I I p I II I 4 jt ii I I I I IIi A 1 I f i I lu ICI I E ETHE i I I h I Ii THE SEDAN r ran Qa DETROIT EQUIPPED The Tudor Sedan is a Wide doors folding front rant distinctly new Ford bod body seats wats well spaced interior type admirably designed dark brown broadcloth for harmony ol of exterior upholstery and attractive appearance and excellence excell trimmings give it individuality ence of interior comfort duality comfort and amand con am- and convenience At it ita price is lower lover See this exceptionally byproduct dethan desirable de de- than an any sedan edan ever put sizable new Ford product on the American market in Ford showrooms UWIn n car ur can w. In H du Nol om ar Jill IN di 1 Ford Pi Ma ARROWHEAD GARAGE CA RS WHY HY PAY MORE VISIT ISIT THE FRUIT STORE SATURDAY SPECIALS FRUITS VEGETABLES Dried Peaches lb Ib Lettuce L I. t I head lb Ib Raisins 25 lb Ib box for Celery Ceery and bunch Raisins 3 Turnips lb Ib Grape Fruit T 1 2 for or Cots Carrots lb O Oranges ranges 2 d doz oz f for or 49 c cLemons Lemons 1 1 do doz for Parsnips 6 l 1 lb Ib Cran Cranberries err es 6 for Crisco lard 1 2 1 Ib lb can Fresh Grapes 50 Ib lb for Crisco lard S 3 3 lb Ib can SUGAR 1100 per cwt FLOUR 48 lb Ib sack for SOUTHERN UTAH FRUIT AND PRODUCE EXCHANGE Contractor Brick Stone and DR A. A C. C JONHSON P Plastering Veterinary Surgeon I 9 U n Work Neatly Done CEDAR CITY UTAH T. T KELLY Telephone 15 lb CEDAR CITY UTAH I LI I |