Show i I o Parents be sure you instruct your children to cross the business business business busi busi- ness section of Main Street only at regular crossings It is a dangerous practice a number of children have of darting promis promis- from any part of the street running behind cars and racing to cross ahead of approaching approaching ap ap- ap cars One misstep and we will have the unpleasant duty of recording a fatal accident accident acci aced dent and some Borne parent will have terrible sorrow and heartache A word of warning occasionally I to the children and instruction I as to where to cross business streets may be the means o of saving your child from serious injury or death 00 The Cedar Sheep Company have secured the services of Mr R. R P. P Reynold of Ashton Idaho and the gentleman is now to be found in charge of the hardware department of the institution He has had several years experience experience experience ex ex- in this line of work am and comes to Cedar very highly re re- re- re commended 00 Mrs Lottie Perkins returned Tuesday from Spry where she had been to spend the holidays holiday with her daughter Mrs Roy Heaps iA A. M. M Willis of was vas noticed today in Cedar attending attending attending attend attend- ing to private business matters |