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Show Have you caught the fainUstj g'.imp.-t; ttf ba-hful Spring yet? I The heavy snows as much as ' sny we shall have our creeks and stix-anis of all kinds full to over- 1 li'iwing in the spring. Marsha! (!. f.i Hudson is now , busy collecting the second half t yearly chargi-s for the use of the ' water fnmi patrons of the city ! water works. i I Last Saturday, a little child of : Mr. and Mi. Joseph Yatcp, re- 1 spec ted citizens of Cailsfort, departed de-parted this life. The sympathy of J the entire community goes with i the parents to comfort them in the loss of their dear one. ' Thi-i is what Dr. V. Lyon, a man who has grown wealthy through 1 selling tooth-powder, says: "I believe be-lieve thoroughly in steady, per-j per-j distent advertising, and consider it as essential to my business as fuel to a steam boiler." it 1 ( ( per cent, money J )JJJ to loan in sums of $100 up. Loans closed up promptly. Will be at City Hotel Monday, Feb. 27th. lt Last Monday evening, II. W. II arris, whose comfortable residence is situated on Main street in the First ward, gave a pleasant soci able to about a score of friends. The jTarty was given in remembrance remem-brance of his fifty-seventh birthday. birth-day. This week we were obliged to hold over interesting correspondence correspond-ence f r o m Bear K i v cr C i ty , Collinston and Mantua and a whole lot of other matter. A rush in our job department and another lot of new ads. made this necessary. nec-essary. Every business enterprise in Brigham that is dependant for its support on the patronage of the people should be represented in the columns of The Bugler. Until this is done, The Bugler cannot represent our flourishing little town as it would like to do. During the progress of a saloon brawl at Panguitch, Garfield . County, a few evenings ago, Frank , Hegglested was shot by Hosper ; Nichols. The ball entered above the heart. Both men were drunk and at last accounts the wounded man's condition was' critical. Provo Dispatch. This week, 0. W. Hunsaker, son of Lawyer 0. F. Hunsaker of this city, was admitted to the bar at Ogden. Mr. Hunsaker is said to have passed a very creditable examination ex-amination and has a bright future before him. The Bugler congratulates congrat-ulates the young attorney on his successful admission. The residents of Brigham City and Corinne are feeling somewhat elated over the success of the colonization colo-nization scheme of the .larvis-Con-klin Trust Company. And well they may, for the settlement of the large tract of land irrigated by the Bear River Canal means a large increase in the trade of both towns. Park City Record. SOTES OF THE IUEK. The first of March next Wednesday. Wednes-day. A full column of legal notices on second page of today's Bugler. Count how many big new ads. ' we have on the inside pages today. ' Norman Lee is now installed as ; profesh. trunk tumbler at the depot. de-pot. The great Kiekapoo Indian medicine for sale at Chris Miller's store. 37-4 The Honcyville ward conference will be held at that place tomorrow at 10 a. m. and 2 p. m. Before subscribing your name to a note for a lightning lod, read it over twice before signing your name unce. Wanted. A good solicitor Liberal terms to the right man or woman. For particulars, inquire atTiiK Bi'ui.kh ollice. Six columns of brand new advertisements ad-vertisements have been placed in The BfGi.Eit during the past two weeks. How's that for high? The Bum, Kit force showed their J respect for the birthday of the j Father of our Country by taking a holiday Wednesday afternoon. ! AAA 6 P(r cont. money to j pOUjUUU loan in sums of if 100 up. Loans closed up promptly. Will be at City Hotel Monday, Feb. 27th. ' It' A henelit dance was given in the Second ward halt Tuesday night to Wilford Reader, who will start on a southern mission sometime next week, we are told. The bill to repeal the te.st oath lias passed both houses of the Ida- i ho legislature, and the Governor I will sign it. The Idaho Mormons will then be voters. Yesterdiiy morning. Mrs. Ade- : line S:ow had another stroke of paralysis. It was not a severe one. however, and t he aged lady was much better last evening. The public are learning that t n o ncy pa i tl f r advertising is ''bread cast upon the waters" but it doe? not take many days for it to return. Wasatch U'niv. Washington's birthday was (jiiietly spent in Brigham City. The schools were alt dismissed and a number of the business houses ere closed. The day appeared like a general holiday. This wctk we have added to our exchange list the W, published wc-kly at Mnntprlier, Idaho, hv .lames II. Walli.s. Mr. Wallis is well known in I'tah newspaperdom. We are pleaded to X with the 7W. |