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Show CAPITAL WORK. Dclegato John T. O.ine Doing Good Wo rk at Washington. The Washington 1). C, Evening Ncivh of Fch. lBlh contains an eloquent article from the ien of Hon. John T. C'aine in favor of tlie admission of Utah to the sisterhood of eta tea. The article i headed: "Utah Statehoud. delegate del-egate Caine l'lL-ycnts Many Strong Arguments in its Behalf. Fully Qualilied for Admission. Denial that the Mormon Church Iulliien-cca Iulliien-cca Put itics of the Territory Hacked hy IM-oof. Such an ably written communication commu-nication in one of Washington's most prominent newspapers cannot can-not fail of good mailt:-1, whether the end in view be fully aeeom-'. aeeom-'. plished or not. Ik-leute Caine is doing a grand work fur our Territory Terri-tory hy way of dissipating ignorant ig-norant and unfouudi d prejudices against Utah and her people. |