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Show START "FLY CAMPAIGN." Yesterday lb" oa ni ia ign on I he house fly in (Iunnison was siarled and I I wilh Ihe enthusiasm Ihal has been . aroused it promises to be one of I he luosl vigorous since ihe en ni ; i gn was start oil against the Huns. If persistency is maintained file fly can he disposed of as easMv as ihe oilier I insects. A i ran genien I s hae been made o niann fad are ihe fly irap- at the mechanics room al I he I ligh school and I he v, ork will be done l,y the boy students. The traps can eit her be purcha -e. mil right or t hose desiring o erect one will he ili-ti'll'l ed w il limit co-I . I '.v e: y I a mi !, in 1 Ga unison sh.ni id secure a 1 1 a and : I he I ra .s should he placed m e cry j place where il, e fl:es breed and co- i ! o .era tion in this will do m itch in keeping Ihet.l do'.' II. The ciiy will ! pay ten cents for every leiudred flies j I limed ill for Ihe h's, v.., V. eei.s j April. for the i. At 'v. o weeks (ol. I low illg the I,. ,111,! V will he K,. .',',!, , per biiih'lre.l. r.u, a i,, a hail rem s for ; ihe 1 I, i d two weeks h'l one cent per hundred for Hi" he-t i , ,, w. - of I the campaign. Mar-hal T.ill-'fii, will '. be custodian and make the oi ; i.-i:i I I count. |