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Show Raise Large Sum For Playgrounds Willi s.'iTt'i.lJ already subscribed ami sufficient in ii 1 1 i .i I ci run tin- amount far aM I lie sin mark, tin' "kiddies" ill' 1 1n' public schools are now assured Hi ample playground equipment to moot all 1 1 1 needs for recreation ami healthful exercise. The drive which was waged last week throughout the business ami residential section of the city met with a hearty response ami inly lor laek of spaee the names of all donors would-he. puhlislied. The committee, however, who were active n the drive, are very grateful for the aearly stiiport given the movement, ind with the successful termination jf the drive the lung needs of the playgrounds at the public school can uow be filled. LMiring ihe summer or just as soon as practical, the work of installing a omplete outfit of swings, horizontal iiars, slides and in fact an up-to-date equipment, will be started. It is intended, in-tended, according to Superintendent Met calf of the schools, to make all of the equipment at home, or as much as can be done here. Some of the equipment will, of necessity, have to he purchased elsewhere. In addition to tlie stationary paraphernalia which .will lie for all the pupils, there will be volley balls, basket balls and baseball base-ball equipment and when it is finally installed, Gunnison can boast and well be proud ' of the contributions given for the benefit of the pupils of the schools. |