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Show MAHTl'A MATTE I'S. j Iu!i)r;jvhifi the MtiTinir.t' '.v Ig-5i.'jIiMl i It. jH-A ( .-(.;,. Our labernaeic is on the road to completion. The plasterers have just completed their work. It has heon well done by M'i'L':m it Co. j The carpenter ami painting work) s yet to be d me. A tot ot fine benches have been ordered. Must of the boys are iT sheep ' herd in.'. We have some of the oe.;t young men in Utah. They ! are always ready and willing to j respond with their donath-ns j i.j every gnod cause. J?ut there , a r n a 1 s o a f ,t v young h ot vlluni" .viio disturb, the peacoi'our c-.m-nunity. Tliey need looking after. 'e have rme ol' the. finest locations loca-tions in It t .i ! i f o r a dairy. All , rhat iri wanting are capital and i men of business t run it." We j have plenty of tine young ladies i '.viliing to er.g.igo as dairy maids I in a home institution. j The Mantua Co-op, vind-T the i tide mamigeinent of Supt. P. Jcn-is Jcn-is making good pr-.gress and pays good dividends. Our day school hns a go.d at- tendarci, with jMrs. M. Jensen as j teacher. Cwilym Back. i Maxtua, June lJSth. |