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Show vl!-stockcd bIiu Ives and ood luink tccounts? Sour, discouraged facet vnuld ncv r meet you at the st-..re nor; ''just out" would never he heard, and crcditrs would not dock about like vuHuivs, after the blood of a slain lamb, i r?;n-;:s rao i.oir. Tiil:i;i-: are few da vs in tlie world where groceries em be he', cheap- r titan rii;ht lure in hVyham City. The price-; a.re,u i; r-ccient-edly bw; in fact, unnecessarily !-'W. Tills state of Lhhys direeilx aid- the m".e-:es. u'.-nei'aliy, i'ut iudi-r'.'tly iudi-r'.'tly it d-.es our City rcat injury. Why? It e.ish; e, n.kh raldc t n:n ev en a small store, and if that M-uv make? scarcely no profit at all in i t -4 u tods, it is ever in a shaky. e:uh;ini-ed, uud.--dre.blc condition. condi-tion. It ee.n'i i ay its bills: and eventually i.-.- ui,.; r. ;:ivit:i; the t mm a bid name. Then wouldn't the pe Hple ratli. r pay a-Jdih: m-- ; f r their edible.-, that they mu;ht d'vays li;-,d our mcv ka:.t-: wi.!: ..lilio;': l'.,.vs; laiye, neat t-l-.iv?: |