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Show j CITY AMD OTHER BP.iEFS. A ILm j I.nl of Xfws IK'in ChI I'.ov.ii to J'ltilriC. Politics! Whoo!d! . Advertise in Ti;k Rfni.Kii. Dcmocr.itie rally tonight. Subscribe for Tni-: Rcoi.i-.h. 'Rah for the glorious Fourth! i Rally at the Factory Hail to-i to-i night. ' j What are v-.il now a Dem. or a i See the astounding prices offered J in tlie Co-op's big ad. Manager Peircc, of the firm ot Root lie A Peiree, reports business: getting better by degrees. I Rofore the snow Hies, something j I upwards of two-score and ten nvv resiliences will adorn our fair City . ; of J Ionics. j ! We were the recipients of lots of i hearty congratulations Monday, it j , being the first buNiness day in our 1 i second year. j A man often shuts the door in ! the face of his best friend. This is j especially so when he refuses to I help support his h-me paper. ' Some of our wool growers got j only a moderate fleece this year, i i They sheared rather early, secur- ! ; ing only an eleven-months' crop. Tourits say our hard, solid j highway from town to Willnrd is : J the nearest like a smooth old Kng- i ' lish turn-pike than anything they j ever saw. . ! 1 Fiftv Mormons from Utah and ' Idaho'hrive settled in Star Valley.. , Wyoming, during the past few ! i years. The valley is being rapidly colonized. ! President P.udger Clawson and j : Counselor Cbas. Kelly have lie en ; I on a vi:-ilin;; tour out through the i western settlements of the county ! , this week. ; The Produce Exchange received 1 to cases uf strawberries from r.righam City yi sterday. or l.f-'-!0 quarts. And tliey were fine ones I o. Camviwrri'tl. An animated spook was carrying an ugly "goose" around town Thursday to the effect that a certain cer-tain firm in town had failed. Nothing in the rumor. Through the efforts of Agent ; ' Dunn, and the protestations ofTin-; j Ib'nLi- u, the mud-hole at the depot I has boon filled up and theprcmiscs 'nnyirnfiwT-- ,--,. 1 Prirham City will need a big h-lel tins SJ.mm.r to accommodate the traveler, as iituc!) as iLw'iil need I P. W. ha Front, was appointed ; i-f -iver of t la- Hot Springs projie-rty 1 Thursday. ' Christian Casborg and bis young I bride', who were, recently married, j left yesterday for the Casberg aneh at llone-y ville. where they will take up their residence. Mr. (J as berg has 1-I.O00 IWest trees (ii his farm. f - Tn advocacy of .silve the ir-i ir-i cpi essililc Hob Ing.-rsoll-says: Fleet a "'free coinage" administration, and then if we can't have free j coinage, impeach, bang, .sltnot or drown the- whole. -"outfit, and try : ag.ii n. j Remcmlier it is only about six weeks before the August election. ! Before that time you must ally yourselves with either the Republicans Repub-licans or the Democrats, as these parties par-ties will have the only tickets in the field. Dr. Wade has rented the room vacated by the- Rank of Drigham City and will shortly have the en-Mire en-Mire stock of the City Drug Store j moved into the new quarters. This ; is unqucsti nably the best corner l in the City. j The work on the interior of the j Mantua niecting house is nearly jfin'shel. The plastering is now I all done. A few weeks of favorable w either and the building will be : neatly painted, when it will be entirely en-tirely completed. A very in tc-resting communication communica-tion covering the Stake Presidency's Presi-dency's extended trip through the western part of our county was received last evening, too bi to f a this issue. It will ap- : pear in our next. I Mrs. W. L. Watkins was quite painfully injured the other day. While standing on a chair and reaching above, she became over-bab.ir.f'd over-bab.ir.f'd and fell heavily to the fl.ior. She sustained several bruises i and injured one hand. j Merchandise, provisions, etc.. arc ; so much ch-'aper in Rrisiham City 1 than any other place in this vicin-i vicin-i it ', that fanners carry their grains ; t Cgde i; exchange there for ! cash. hid n turn ta H'righam City i t ) purchase n .C-'ssities of all kinds. j Quite an addition has been made 1 1 1 the eastern part of the cemetery. ' Several acres were secured some ! lime ago and lately a strong wire 1 fence was placed around it. Next in order is to root out the abomin- able sagebrush with which it is nverru n. j tafking of makii:g''V!p n part' I oar;v to go t . tlie Hot Springs one of Lhe--e fine davs. The extremely ( ..I" r,.r, wl,ieb in- dudes a ba'.ii. together with the j fine .-"i: rt in lie' "mt," i-ecra to be irresistible. What's Iho ms.iliv with Frovo has its t'ouneii one man? A tew davs ol:o ill : OiLv Council of thai lb "lu-i-hiii" ham-l t or, what irreal (piauuio.s eo .-... t...r ; ward olVth" loving bug. 1 . o , i I A nun.b.T oi cai.iah: ts have ! taken Cache Junelion, 1 .'-gun's j tin ad. .1 Tv.nl. in li: n 1 ami wiii likely boom it for till it's worth. , .g in's a "g.mner'' sure, i o.v. j ; i. A Wel '.s at d H. A. White, of J th" rust'iim; prod uc ' linn of V. ells A- White Willard. gave Tin: i lit in.icit oilice a cail tlie ether day. i leaving an order for some job 1 -..rk. j The fish law was "up" Monday I and iplite a number of the bo hied themselves to the mountains ; to hook the "spookhd bealtties" 1 from the still pools in the gurgling j brooks. ! If you want t i do business, nd-! nd-! verti'se; if von have anything to sell, ad'vcrt'ise it. Tin; ltroi En is J live-to-one the last advertising .: medium for the entire county of j Box Klder. j Prof. ,. F. Mnonoh interested the large congregation which gather! gath-er! d at the Tabernacle Sunday ! afternoon, with a hkrhly instructive I discourse on his lute missionary experiences. Our lloneyville and Dewcyville friends anticipate much fr.mi Oil hot springs situated b.twccll tie'.-' place's, when the big hotel is creeled creel-ed and the new ha hi: g r soil j I' nr.a'.ly opened. I Had President llrigham Youna ! lived until ah n lay, he won III haci ; hi-en '.II years of an-. Hnm.-i Hnm.-i Uroi,i:u J ust so. and had he not die. j be might have b. en living-yet. ill '.oiiii W. Sure. miaiit n.ov h- anproj.riately termed term-ed 'd:!-tail-let, 'arf.ir.lly awarded the contract of feeding the city prisoners lo a Cb.inaman! The Annual of the University i f ; Dcseret. accompanied by Prof.! Park's compliments, for '1)1 anil'i'i-2 j I lias been received. It is a ham'- j i somelv jirint d pamphlet of H - ; : iiages.' The different departments . of "that popular institution are : treated in a clear, concise manner. ! The Longfellow Literary Club 1 prese-.ileJ an excellent program : Monday night. Tlie society is just I six months old. but has improved j wonderfully since the start. It ' embraces a wide range of talent. The manuscript paper was oneof the I new realisms of Monday's exercises, i An int'-resliug conjoint Session I was held in the Second ward meeting meet-ing house liudtiv night. Not- ; wiThstanding the s'howcry weather, j j th. re was a hearty turn-out. In ! addition to tlie usual songs am! j , recitations, the assunlily was ad-,t.essed ad-,t.essed bv Elders U. II. Jones ami '!'. II. I'da'ckburn. IP.n't forget when y.vn have 1 , friends or rob t;v. s visiting you or I leaving tlie Cily, to notify us of 1 I llie fact. It is inij o.silile fa- us to Heat, h all the pers mats anil" news ' iteots. I Top w a line at the post-.diee post-.diee or call at our ooice tt'-ii in "Cliildren's I lav'' was appro rl- ately oloerved at the I'li-Mvl Sun- j dav. Tiie luotii was lavishly ileeor- j a lei I with fragrant ros-s and wild tlowers. The exercise; were interesting inter-esting and well conducted. Ib.ad Supervisor Johns, n has been doing considerable work in the southern part of town the p:eo ; . few weeks. Fridges are being c m- , structid and roe. is repaired ami : ether needed iiiinrovein, ids made. II. L. Fisb.burn. Jr.. is rnshiiu-, rnshiiu-, ids residence to eoniol. linn. A ' few davs and it will be entirely closed in and the iuP rl -r work I b..,.oo The buildine; is rooniv. ot- p. -ssc -siou i f a news it- tn of any-kin. any-kin. 1. Prof. L. M. M.-eneh, of Oe-!en. ' favor, d Tut; Poo Lit; oliiee with a call last Saturday. The Professor ; was pr.eioune. .1 in his praise and congratulations of the manner in wlm-H The lit i;i.i:n in edited and eon, loot. d. We highly appreciate t'o. -so nole.y kind, words ,.f en-' .ut-ag .ut-ag oneut. e.oiiiiu: a- t'ti- y ,io Iron-, oa-h cn'.inent ant'n o il v as Pr-f. ; Mocueh. 1 M'li-i sevs adv. sli-dm; ikr.'t luiv' ' Why. th .'..th..;- day the Co-op 1, . I a t:-am and v.ithin t-.vo w.-.-ks .-t the time tii.'u- 'local was ins -rted 1 tractive and iplite uniigae in d.e-' d.e-' sign. i This week we have done a F t i f neat j .!. work !' r .boies,V llar.iieo..' Will-r.d- Wells A- Whil". Willai.l: .1. C. Mad-en. ll-n yviile; L. W. Siandina. Coliinsion : W. M. 1'ow H Manttl u b. .ie-' a wh I h t . ; A it. w.-rk. The o'-.o ,-,,'.-sovs :!.-: I ; Mabie l-,a.e.- ,n d C. P. ii-i'vb v. Jr. ; ,11.,,-rii .; ai K x in;;--I . Tl.'.- y -is ; -, ride has r iatioos in lir lui!, ( itv who are sh.-cked at the new.'- found and returned, and parties from Maiad. Ca.-he Valby s-i.i t int t'o v loci eiiher s en tiie t. ;ui or had s en h.-les like the bo! .-.al . li-inoi; al F- i s. Ooy ' , - w..o.i.-1-t'oby n,i-,::.;--;i i . t : . '. i r- .' is is don't -,-e. ..p-,. ;-, n |