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Show THINtJS WOKTH ItEMEMHEItlNG. When you feel u kind of goneness about the Htotiiuch it is ti sign that your food does l not sit well and that you ure about to have u (it of indigestion. When you begin lo feet nervous and are unable lo nit still comfortably; when vour clothes suddenly seem to lone their lit und become too tight in places the tit of indigestion indiges-tion is surely upon you. When this tit of indigestion is repeated from day to day it tiniilly resolves itselt into dyspepsia. Chronic dyspepsia will surely make the' 1 happiest life u hell upon enrth. Remember that three to ten of Rrand-; Rrand-; retii'h Pills will cure the worst case of in- digestion wr dyspepsia, or both, and that a regular course of thetu, suv two every night for u week or ten days will aci as a preventive preven-tive of either complaint. |