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Show Western Washers reduced from '.00 to $r,.?5. Boys Kxpresa Wagons reduced from o.OO to $2.50, at A. II. Snow's. Three papers, one weekly and two monthly journals, for or.o year atTuK Bi'tii.KK office for only $'2.25. A complete line of Tinware just in. Prices lowei than you dare guess. II. L. Fishburn it Sons. It doesn't take many dollars to buy n good suit of clothes at Fish-burn Fish-burn it Sons'. Call in and bt convinced. ABOUT IRRIGATION. KngiiM-or Fiirlh-r lu It riK1i!iin Ol.t ni nine liliiirl:illt Until. Engineer Fortier spent several days in Brigham tins week in the interests of the irrigation department depart-ment of I he Utah Agricultural dd-' dd-' lege. H,' visited the farms of J. T. Hi h, L. A. Snow, Henry Kotter atid Nels Madson. Mr. Fortier examined their 'modes of farminr and measured several of their !ri- '. gat ion st reams. The gentleman i estimates that forty per cent, of our irrigable water is lost through seepage and evaporation. This loss is something enormous when you consider that laud with water worth ton limes as much ns the the same propeity without water. If some practical means could be devised of saving this great shrinkage shrink-age in our water supply, both the wealth and the population of Brig-ham Brig-ham City could be doubled. Mr. Fortier is now out obtaining dati on these matters. They will receive re-ceive a thorough scientific investigation. investi-gation. Mr. Fortier will visit Brigham several times during the summer. ITe says he finds some of the foremost irrigators in the west, that is those who are using the most practical and intelligent methods known to the age, right around Brigham City. If you are looking for thf latest styles in Neck Wear, go to Fish-burns Fish-burns Thty have them. Soda water 5c a glass at Booths it Peirce's. Every morning, fresh and palatable palat-able bread, cakes and pics are made at The Bakery. Try us. Cold soda water, fruit juice flavor, at the Knudson Parlors. 2t Our iadies' $1.50 fine shoe is tho best thing in the country for tho money. U. L. Fishburn it Son?. Best soda water flavored with fruit juice at Knudson'a. 2t Ladies, call in and see our elegant line of black and brocaded sateens. We can please you. R. L. Fishburn it Sons. Fresh Strawberries and Cream at the Knudson Parlors. 2t ' The universal opinion of (he scores of our customers who have tried our fine Stanley Shoe during the past few months is that it is the best out. Boothe !fc Peirce. Our Mowers and Rakes arc up to the times. Try them. MeMas-ter MeMas-ter it Fosgren. Come in and subscribe for The Bugler, the nest local paper in the Territor. |