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Show THE BEE HIVE STATE In a report to the gnver.ior, the slate auditor shows thai, the revenue frum taxes in the slate will fall short of the esiimaie to the extent of s:;ri4,TS0, i.'fid recommends lhal no appropriations appropria-tions be made al Ihe special session of Hie legislature called for September 29. Tony Bruno. Ihe Italian arresied in Scofield. Ulali, following the explosion which wrecked ihe Standard hotel, at Salt Lake, since his release on his establishing es-tablishing an alibi over a week ago, has been working energetically, t lie police say. lo capture the ilyna in il er. Under 1 lie delusion thai Utah is suffering suf-fering for lack of sheep range, a New Mexico man, K. !'. Puryear of Kos-well, Kos-well, who represents numerous sheepmen, sheep-men, he says, has written to ihe state live stock board ro invite flockmaslers to use New Mexico's pastures. Mexican residents of Salt Lake on September 16 celebrated the one hundred hun-dred and ninth anniversary of the beginning be-ginning of their war for independence. Music from two bands, a parade, speeches and a regulation Mexican ball made up the program. A resolution adopted by the Provo Commercial club, protesting the projected pro-jected plan of the government to delay Ihe grazing date on the forest reserves one month, lias been concurred in by the board of governors of the Salt Lake Commercial club. A "moonshine" distillery has been discovered near Salt Lake, and two Japanese arrested. Ten gallons of "saki," the Japanese equivalent for the vhite brethren's "white eye," was said to have been found bottled ready for sale. That great improvement in sugar beets has taken place within the past few weeks and the crop will be much heavier than expected earlier in the season, is the report that comes in from large growing districts in Cache county. Failure to return the diamond ring which she borrowed to wear on an outing out-ing to Saltair last July 6, already has cost Marion McCallister two months of liberty, and now slie must spend three more months in the county jail. Threshing has been completed in the Snowville section, and the farmers farm-ers are busy with the fall planting. The grain yield was not so good as in previous years, but all are looking hopefully for good crops next year. Vernon Hanson, aged 21, suffered amputation of his right leg as the result re-sult of an accident. Hanson's foot slipped off the platform of a machine tit which be was working in Salt Lake, and was caught, in the cogs. An attempt to burn the tabernacle in Ogden was frustrated by the prompt action of a passerby, who, upon seeing see-ing the flames shoot up at the rear door leading to the furnace room, called the fire department. The government, is sending a large exhibit to the Utah State Fair. The army part of this display is extensive. It includes many articles of enemy material besides a large exhibit of our own equipment. A separate trial is asked by Edward L. Tackman, who is jointly charged with Alice J. Harris and her two sons, inland and Eugene, with having murdered mur-dered Jesse H. Cone at Trout creek, July 22. Because of delay and uncertaiijty caused by strikes, all Mormon church building activities may cease if plans to be submitted to the first presidency ' by the presiding bishopric are adopted. The Western Pacific railroad, in the year ended December 31, 1018, invested in Utah in road and equipment, $440,-911.10 $440,-911.10 besides the sum paid out through the United States government. Utahns have thus far purchased but ll.S per cent of the quota set by the government for the purchase of war savings and thrift stumps, according to figures made public last week. Fanners who live under government reclamation projects are to receive special instruction in agriculture through a new bureau to be established estab-lished in Salt Lake. John A. Hutcbins, for the last twenty-one years a member of the Ogden police force, was found dead in his bed, death resulting from heart trouble. Orson Allred, Jr., of Eureka, suffered suf-fered a broken leg and several bruises about the body when his automobile turned over with him. As the result of a cloudburst at Garfield, the American Smeller & Refining Re-fining company's plant is practically closed down. Ogden has been selected il s one of the landing stations upon the Lawson irplane route across the continent. Arrangements are being made for a big round-up celebration to be held at Castle Dale. September 2.") and 20. One special feature of the many displays dis-plays at the coming Utah state fair will be a grain-grading exhibit. Taxable properly in Salt Lake county coun-ty this year increased over tlx; assessment assess-ment of last year SI 0,228, "07. The cily commissioners of Provo have decided to offer for stile 875.000 worth of street bonds and $75,000 worth of waterworks bonds. Patients at the Community clinic in Salt Lake, from now on will be definitely def-initely limited to those persons who are unable to pay for medical treatment. treat-ment. Public ownership of lacking plants, j railroads, telegraph and telephone lines Is demanded by the Utah Stale Federation Feder-ation of Labor ii a resolution adopted adopt-ed at the final ression of the twelfth annual convent. ;u at Salt Lake. |