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Show MRS. DUFFIN LAID TO REST Funeral services were held at the j R. S. hall yesterday, at 2 p. m., for ! Mrs. Margaret Duffln, who died last I Monday evening at the ripe age of 89 yrs. 7 mons. 26 days. ! Nephl Anderson under the direc-' direc-' tion of Bishop E. L. swalberg conducted conduc-ted the services. A brief sketch of deceased's life was read, when eulo-geis eulo-geis were given in order named, by Fredrlk Ludvigson, Charles H. Em-bley Em-bley and Joseph Christenson. The singing was by a quartet composed com-posed of Mrs. Emily L. Knighton, Miss. Nora Mace, Bp. E. L. Swalberg and Louis B Bigler, Jr., the selejtlons being "O, My Father," "Beautiful Zlon," and "Resting now from care andsorrow." Prayer was given by Hyrum Fredrickson, the benediction bene-diction by Adolph Peterson and the burial dedicatory by Niels C. Myrup. The floral offering was beautiful, among them an expression of sympathy sympa-thy from Eureka lodge of the I. O. O. F., of which one of Mrs. Duuln's sons is a member. A goodly number of relatives and sympathizing friends atteued. The pall-bearers were Jos. E. Bardsley, Charles E. Embley, Mel-vin Mel-vin Duflln, Arthur Jennings, grandsons, grand-sons, and Del Bardsley, Gordon Sor-enson, Sor-enson, great-grandsons of the decedent. deced-ent. OBITUARY. Margaret Gledhill Duffln, in her ninetieth year, died peacefully at her home in this city, at 8:10 p. m., Monday, Mon-day, November 27, 1916. The immediate imme-diate cause of her death was an attack of pneumonia six days before Slie passed through her last illness with a resignation that bespoke her sense of having spent a well appointed career. Mrs. Duffln was born at Shaw, near Oldham, Lancashire, England, April 1, 1827, the first child of James Gledhill Gled-hill and Mary Buckley. She accepted accep-ted baptism in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, of her own volition, January 1, 1843, a little under two months after her parents had joined the same faith. Her faith in the gospel of Christ never wavered and she always took pride in testifying testify-ing to that lact. She was married January 3, 1847, to Edward Duffin and came to Utah seven sev-en years afterward with htr husband and then family of three children, Richard, the eldest of these depart ing this life on their journey across the plains by ox team, 1354. She suffered suf-fered in the trials Incident to pioneer life in Utah, residing first at Center-ville Center-ville near Salt Lake, then at Spring-ville, Spring-ville, Moroni, Monroe, and lastly at Gunnison, where, except for a short time temporary at Santaquln, her home has been since April, 1867, having hav-ing moved from Monroe on account of prevailing Indian raids. Mrs. Duffln has been honored and respected respect-ed by a host of friends. She was left a widow July 2, 1872. Deceased was the mother of ten children, five sons and five daughters. She Is survived by three sons five daughters, 59 out of 74 grandchildren, grandchil-dren, 72 out 74 great-grandchildren, and a brother, Nephi Gledhill of this city. The surviving children, all of whom were present at the funeral, are: Mrs. William Bardsley, the eldest, eld-est, aged 65, of this city; Mrs. Joseph Bardsley and Mrs. Charles H. Embley, Em-bley, both of Centerfleld; Mrs. Melton Jennings, of Levan; Mrs. A. E. Wall, of Castle Dale; Brigham, of Rexburg, Tdaho; J. William, of Fayette; and Ilezekiah, the youngest, aged 47, of Eureka, Utah. The subject of this sketch died in the firm hope of a, glorious resurrection. resurrec-tion. Firm to her conviction, she has had the distinction of witnessing many instances of healing thrpugh faith, and of enjoying special gifts and blessings peculiar to the church of her faith and the teachings of the Christ. Hers was a life of devotion, not alone to her religion but as wife, mother, sister and neighbor, always with a heart of gratitude to God for, His gospel. She has gone to a well-earned well-earned rest with the just, to whom is the promise of eternal life. The bereaved may take comfort also in the stanza: "We shall sleep, but not forever, There will be a glorious dawn; , We shall meet to part, no never, On the resurrection morn!" |