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Show UTAH STATE NEWS Ephralm has an epidemic of scar-Jet scar-Jet fever, though up to date only one ease has proved fatal. Ogden capitalists are discussing the advisability of establishing a woolen mill In that city. The roof of the pool room of the Clark building, in Park City, caved tfi one night last week from the weight of snow. It 1 the intention to fill every avail able place In Salt Lake City with flowers for Ihe ('.. A. R.- encampment, to be held next August. .Might residents ot Utah win in: named as members of a state dairy and pure food bureau If the bill creating creat-ing such bureau becomes a law. The officers of the Kruit growers' association as-sociation formed at Willard are busy at work selling slock, so as to get the necessary amount before they incorporate. incor-porate. Word comes from Kansas that a great number of the 10,000 old soldiers sol-diers now living in that state will be in Salt Lake City to attend the G-. A. It. encampment next summer. The preliminary hearing of John W. Alt, on ihe charge of murder committed com-mitted at. IjOgan, was again postponed post-poned last week, at the request of the attorney for the accused man. The river and harbor bill, reported to the house, authorizes a survey o Grand river, Utah, from Its mouth to Moab; also a survey of Green river from its mouth to Green river. The Cache county poultry show, held In Iogan last week, was an unqualified un-qualified success, between 000 and 700 birds, embracing all the standard varieties, being entered in competi tion. .lack Lex was stabbed by John (Sweeney during an altercation between be-tween the two men in Salt Lake City. Lex was struck oa the top of the head with an Open pocket knife, but was not dangerously Injured. Harvey Sundrup, of Ephraim, was chopping wood with an ax, which had recently been sharpened, and, as he raised H, he slipped on the ice, the ax falling down on his foot, partially severing two of his toes. Adrian Woolley, the 12-year-old son of Docket Clerk Woolley, of the house of representatives, met with an accident ac-cident at his home in Ogden, by which his left leg was broken between be-tween the thigh and knee. The National Warehouse & Storage company has completed its organization organiza-tion in Chicago for the purpose of storing the clip of the western wool-growers, wool-growers, which will be cheering news to the Utah wool growers. Joseph Stratford and his wife Elizabeth, Eliza-beth, both long time and highly re-rpected re-rpected residents of Weber county, were buried on the same day in Ogden Og-den last week. Mrs. Stratford died two days after the death of her husband. hus-band. Virgil Anderson of Spring City was badly injured while working in a saw mill last week. His leg was caught in some way between a carriage car-riage and a pile of lumber, and as the horse took a step forward his leg was badly broken. President Joseph F. Smith of the . Mormon church and a party of twelve left Salt Lake City on February 17 lor a trip to the Sandwich islands. The entire trip will require about six weeks, most of the time being consumed con-sumed in traveling. William McAndrews, 46 -years old a miner, recently employed at Grants-ville, Grants-ville, committed suicide in Salt Lake February 20, taking a compound oi chloral, bromide and morphine. De spoudency after a protracted spree was responsible for the deed. In a shooting affray at Scofield, Matt Lester, a Finlander, shot Aleck Wilson through the hand and John L. Wilson was shot in the leg. Both of the injured men were attempting to prevent Lester from shooting a Slav, Pkfc- with whom he had been quarreling. Lorenzo Stroebel, aged 35, employed em-ployed in a hotel in Ogden, committed Etticide last wek, cutting his throat ith a razor, being dead when he was discoverej. The cause of the suicide jjksaid to have been unrequited love ton a young woman employed at the nPRopTnns. of Eugene, Ore., a veteran of the civil war. died from heart disease just after coming out of the pool in the Sanitarium in Salt Lake City. It is understood the doctor doc-tor overtaxed his strength while In the bath, death coming as he was dressing. Charles Castle, a horse trader, has been arrested in Salt Lake City, accused ac-cused of tying a rope to a balky horse's tongue, fastening the rope to another horse, and tearing off a portion por-tion of the tongue of the balky horse. Castle denies the charge and will stand trial. It has developed that Mrs. May Hedge Wood, who died in Salt Lake City under ssupicious circumstances, committed suicide, taking morphine tablets. An investigation developed the fact that this was the third attempt at-tempt the young woman had made to end her life. The news comes from Tucker that a large number of horses have been snowbound in Spanish Fork canyon, as a result of the heavy snows, and that twelve of the animals have starved to death, and it is feared thi loss will be much heavier before the |