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Show ASSESSMENT NOTICE. GUSNI90N IRRIGATION COMPANY. Principal place of business, Gunnison. Otuh. Notcio is hereby given that at a meeting of the board of directors held Sept. 18, 19UII, assessment No, 10, of Two Gent3 per share was levied on the capital stock of the incorporation in-corporation for the purpose of applying on Old Canal, Also fifty conta per share for waters used In the New and Old City ditches, payable to J. H, Roy lance . secretary of the company, at his office, room 2 Cltj- Hal!, Gunnison, Gun-nison, Utah, Any stock upon which said assessment Is not paid on the 1st day of Doc' 1909, shall be deemed delinquent aud advertise'.! adver-tise'.! i'orsale, and unless payment is mado before Dec. 20th, lsiOS). so many shares of each parcel of stock as may be necessary will he sold to cover said assessment together with cost of advertising and expense of sale, J. U. ROYLANCE, Secretary. Dated, Gunnison.' Utah. Sept. 19, 1909. Will be in office after Novomber 1st, |