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Show " ' . A r rapine Ranch, (Jnuiiison. - Ltah. ' -s?j ii-ri'i t - 'OV-:..' ' '; .:-.'.' ?: "S ."aWm' HorJ protection u tea bcAr, 5i59SWS ',- ""v.: VA V ana fit Comfortably at every poia "S''A'"';l.iv ' . ' maiktd superiority of T' ; -' . ' 'iV:, Overall :. iicknowicdjrcd. They nro road ofvwre SS-i'i . - :-1Watfartai;S:.. .J. ': ndteo demm that weara like buckskin. 1 he aeats, !J:S iffit?J Vj-;,':3K3t "SSflHQ cs and bo",m" are the wrideat of any own.!! i-v: . JjyaHfci$aw-S maJe. BuUoosrui J hackles have the atayioe c;uaU-. c;uaU-. V' SmjQ!&5i3l 1 "it wa,k:I14D ;lke. I l.e stitching is Jon . lia SSUs ' VsfrW3S(feSEr.S ,v, sms ; the surrenders are the lonsett in the j;t : : 5ig!agagfo' witi ; thty-arc nbc wide to keep them frorocsrHnt ftV'!SsRf u? ia hard ! U oa the shoulder. There are seven t'fA-f'iWISKSS Pockets, two hip, two front, one monrv.oco rule 'SSaWlSBStBI one cWnatioi pencil and watch pocket. f vV' -Vs' 1 ""any of j-:erlority of PiTZ OveraU ffl8 '''f'i'f -: 'W ''!lsiSfil "mX"' them hc mvcr.te wilii every uikn wdo won ' ;"" A'.' :''Sfr :? Of1:1.- r ' ; - . v- vil! Uo-w you that : :;.v PmS Overallu Ui.e thti boat mad. : For- Sale By W. H. GRIBBLE, Gunnison, Utah. H. GRIBB1-E Live Stock Gunnlseo - - Utah Siaymaker & Nieliios Painters & Paper Hangers Calsiminers Decorators, Gunnison Utah, The - - Livery I Feed Stables is now Under New Management. TEAMS AKE WELL CARED"fOU AND KEPT IN PRIME CONDITION FOR DRIVES MY HACKS MEET ALL TRAINS. Dennis Beauregard, Gunnison, Utab This cut shows a new and improved im-proved machine for constructing ditches, and for cleaning ditches andcanalsin the quickest, simplest simpl-est and cheapest manner. For particulars call upon, or write the inventor, L. H. ERICKSON, ft Gunnison, Utah. mu syspIpsia tablets ftdlioVa lyidigeaIon and SfcdnMtch TroublM. Denver & Rio Grande Railroad SCENIC LINE OP THE WORLD. 3 FVST TRAINS DAILY 3 to all points east. Through PULLMAN and TOURIST SLEEPERS between j Salt Lake, Denver, Chicago and St. Louis, without change of oar, 5 DINING CARS on all through trains. . f TRAINS LEAVE GUNNISON i Northbound, 11:31 a. m. Southbound, 1:40 p. m. For descriptive pamphlets or other information oall on, or addrees I. A. BENTON, G.A.P.D. IRA OVERFFXT Salt Lake City, Uath AGent, Gunnison to ; Ju Puny bc: 5ohs, I '.MASONS and STONE CUTTERS -ff Granite and Marbl& Monuments, I - Headstones, Mantles, Grates. F m and STEELQ FENCES. " jtZjP MANTI, Sanpete' Co. UTAH. PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTICES. Consult County- Clerk or iho feftpct3ve signers for furtberln toi'miHion.;, I:i thu Olstrlot Court, Probate Pivftdeo, hi and for Sanpete cou.tity, State o( ptuh. In tberofctter of tiie osIulo of Ane M, Thuuuison, fibceasecl. NOTICK. The petition of Erlck C. Rosenvall the administrator o said estate praying for an order oi sale of the following described real and personal property; to-wit: 2 shares of stock in the Gunnisoc Irrigation Co, j,ot I BU'Ck 20 Plat A Gunnison Townslte Suryev,-Ulaira Suryev,-Ulaira against WiUord Westlund for 5500.00, 1 stove, for the purposos set forth in f.his petition. Has been set for hearing on Mon-I Mon-I day the 29th day of November A, D, tfy at j 2 o'clock p. nj., at the County Court house, in the court room of su id court, in Mantl City, ' Sanpete county. .Utah, and it is ordered that all persons interested in the estate of said deceased, appear lit said time , and place to show cause, if any they have, why said petition peti-tion should not he grante'd. Witness the clerk of said court with, the seal thereof affixed this 25th day of October, A. D, 19& (Seal) C. U. ELTASON. Clerk, acob Joausi'ii Attorney for Petitioner. What Is This Girl'ss Name? Some years age a bounoing baby girl was bom. Being the first child a ily oopolure was call1 to decide, upon her name. The father selected : aj rf E L M I X A but the mother objeuted. A Jiy reached and the child reoevied a name containing id number of letters as the names selected by the father. -c below rpprufnt the first and middle name of the girl, Cin you tell what the gift's name is? As a Ohrlstaias present tho Western Monthly will jiro u vu 'prizes amomxtlaK to (tOO to tsi first five persons correctly dectdtnR the girl's nam e. tite flrst correct solution will r. cofve ISO, the second $39, the 3rd $15, the 4th $10 and the fifth JV'.--. rso .-'vtni; a correct solutk-n will receive a year's subscription to THE MONTHS'"? absoutely free. ALL CAN COMPETE. IT IS ABSOLUTELY FREE. H 0OMPETIO8 MAY SEND ON E SOLUTION, only, except under the following con-:.:.ns. con-:.:.ns. Persons sending One Dollar for ono year's subscription may send 10 names as a solution, thoso secdluR 50sents for six months subscription may send five names and those sending 25 cents for three months subscription may send 2 names.. The Western Monthly Is the Cniy Magazine of Hatlonol Circulation Published in Utah. It Is a Truo Exsonent of the nUrmeuntain West. It Is Bright 9reezy and Interesting. -: THE SANPETE NUMBER WILL SOON APPEAR, In the near future a representative of tho Western Monthly will visit Sanpete county to Rather facts, data etc. for tho purpos;; of preparing an article WHICH W,ILL BOOST SaN: PETE OOUNTYandioUcltsubzcrlptlons. When fee calls on you join In the good work. Boost voar county. Remember subscription price 19 only 1 dollar ner year. Send all aolntlons and make remittances to C1KCUIATION DEPARTMENT, WESTERN MONTHLY, P. O, Box 1228, Salt Lake City. For Sale l-house and lot, with good sheds, and ample water right paid up in new ditch. List your property for sale in connection con-nection with above. I sell, reasonable commissio. N. GLEDHILL, At Gazette Office. Nothing so good when you need a pill as Kings Little Liver Pill small sure, easy. Sold by Paul von Nordeck THE GAZETTE SUBSCRIPTION ' LIST STEADILY INCREASES. ADD OUR NAME AND YOUR FRIEND'S. JOE PRINTING. At This Office. A friend in need is Pincsalve Car-bolized. Car-bolized. Never be without it. . Fine 3alve Carbolized is good for cuts burns, bruises, and scratches. Sold by Paul von Nordeck. ' 0 HISSING j I J"-, Doing business with- I I ilfrs-'V oil advertising in this j y paper is like trying to l I s unlock your barn door U I '-""0 1 , ., . , . A J ,( igfc, with your wuc s hatp.n. I XL& 1 You've got the wrong $ Advert:; is the key ' ifc. ' to the ho:r. ot plenty. gjMm wckI to pi: you j ., at t: e L.w -. or t!i " . 1 Our ad. rates fit KEST Our publicity brings 3 the money to your door. (Copyright, 1009, by W. N. U.) AfiTonf tending a akoti-h-nd dfor!ptloii mtcf . qulcicly ascertiiln our opinion froa wbather as InTentlon is probably paieoitnblo. Commanloa tlonistrictlyconQdentisO. HANDBOOK oa Patcau ent Tree. Oldest aireticy for 30car;ncpatenta. FatecLa taken through Mmin & Co. reuolr 9pcUU wlthoct cbarga, in the Scieriilflc Atnerkaiu A handsomely QtaltTated weekly. T.arsost ofcN culatlon ot any aelenUfla journal. Tenns. S3 a Tear; four nionthi, 2L Boldbyall novntdeaJora. fjfUN Co.38,B New York Biancr. Oftlce. F Washington. D. O. Pine. salve ACTS UiZ A f ocltice I a EELIEVE8 ALi arOOHZeCI roBKB or aKiB cigruE t Clothing! ) f I We nave just received a shipment of ' j MENS SUITS. ! I t I all up-to-ate in style, of good value, and J at Bargain Prices. Also a good line of t BOYS COKDURORY and other SUITS. 4 A number of Men's and Boys' HA.TS will t t he sold at gteatly reduced prices, f . . i I Gunnison Bargain Store, Peter Christiansen, Manager. CITY 0FF1CEK8. Mayor Anthony Metcalf f C. M. Madsen, ! J. S. Peterson, Councilman H. M, Childs, ' A. C. Bartholomew, L Ernest L. Swalbarg. Attorney Jacob Johnson ! Recorder Clar6noe M. Cnilds ! Treasurer-. . . . M. DeLnis Beaursgard j Marshal Joseph Y. Christenson Justice Albert Swain Supervisor Joseph Y. Christenson SCHOOL BOARD. Trustees : Brigham Jensen, Chairman N. C, Myrup, Treasurer. Joseph . Chrhteason, Clerk. fiiuaipal, Johnny Baal. ''iif ' '" C:jAix'ui , J.AT I ur ;:,. 1 h"j2 FOOD AND DRUGS LAW. H l!m An improvsmtnt over many Couclh. Luni and Bronchial Remedies, because it rids the . .v;r 4V.t-m of cold b acting a caiurtic on the bowels. No opiates. Guaranteed to give. WtkiM Section or money refunded. Prepared by P1NEULE MEDICINE CO.. CHICAGO. U. 9. Aj FOR SAIjH BY PAUL VON NORDECK. |