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Show Axtell Notes. A petition to the Forest reserve department, de-partment, asking for an extension four miles in length on tbe west and and three miles on tbe north side of the present forest reserve boundary in Willow Creek canyon, has been signed sign-ed by the farmers of Axtell with a riew of better protection to the watershed. water-shed. The supervisor and ranger are both favorable to the requaat. The sick woman, Mrs. Dennison, mentioned last week has suffered to the extent that her mind is temporarily temporar-ily deranged. Dr. Haan and County Coun-ty Commissioner Madsen have waited wait-ed upcn her wants and in a measure that of the family. A subscription list iB being liberally contributed to and a suitable nurse has been secured secur-ed to care for the woman, who Is Bhowing signs of 3low recovery. The farmers' wives at Axtell know how to swell the husband's bank account. ac-count. They have this week old for ready cash nearly five hundred dollars' dol-lars' wor'.h of fat turkeye and have plenty left for a good Thanksgiving family ''do" in every home here. The Spalding-Livingston company have a force of men quarrying rock for buildings which they contemplate erecting 60on on the new towosite. |