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Show The Rev. Irl R. Hicks Almanac For 1910. Ready November 15th a splendid year book, on astronomy and meteorology, meteor-ology, the only one containing the original "Hicks Weather Forecasts" By mail, postpaid, 35c, on newsstands 30c. One copy free with year's subscription to Wurd and Wobks, the Rev, Irl R. Hicks Monthly Magazine, the beat $1. monthly in Amerioa. Discounts on Alniaujor) in quantities. Agents wanted. Remember, the genuine genu-ine 'Hicks Forecasts" are not published pub-lished anywhere else you get them only in hie own publications. WORD AND WORKS PUBLISHING CO., 1201 Looust St., St. Louis, Mo. |