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Show W'nen yU p to the po.-loIjHe always ask for Tiir: I'.i ou.u Several communications and a It -1 of other matter are unavoidably unavoid-ably crowded out of today's Proj.Ki: YosU-rday. 1). P. Tarpcy tiled charts against A Hon icy P. II. .(ones in the .Supreme Court, charging charg-ing him with oflieial m isconduct. At the Central Meat Market. Main street, you will always find a choice line of all kinds of fresh I meat?, etc. J. F. Krdmunn & Co., I Proprietors. i The Methodist tent and other ! material for the big camp ! meeting that is to open here next j Wednesday, arrived at the depot ! yesterday. The seating capacity of the tent will be TOO or 800. On Saturday next the bar will ' meet and adopt resolutions of respect re-spect for the memory of Judge Oscar F. Hunsaker and ",V. N. duelling, members of this liar who have recent!' joined the great majority. ma-jority. IL-rald Ogden Dpt. So far this season lirigbain City I ban not been blessed ( with a . circus. I The Kickapoo J ndiau Medicine I Company is now giving Logan a j wh(Xp-up. : Can't go to Salt Lake without slaying over night the way the trains now run. Three dollars per set for setting your buggy tires, at 0. Jeppson A Co., Main Street. Three dollars per eet for setting your buggy tires, at O. Jeppson it Co., Main Street. The Second Quorum of Elders will meet after the afternoon meeting, meet-ing, Sunday. D. Booth. An itinerant photographer is camped on the old Reese property on Main Stieet this week. Postmaster Boothe's new table of the arrival and departure of mails will be found in today's Buolek. Tho Court House grounds are graced with 'a large variety of exquisite roses of every shade and size. Large quantities of lucern hav are being cut, dried and stacked in this section. The first lucern crop is a good one. Judging from the street talk, there will be a big crowd down at the Johnson race track the afternoon after-noon of July 4th. The water pipes leading to the county watering trough on the square north of the Court House have been repaired this week. F. Jacobsen was down from Mantua, Wednesday. He reports the hard times being felt even up there in the fastnesses of the mountains. A number of Mantua sheep owners own-ers have been seen on our streets this week. A lot of successful sheep raisers reside in that pretty little village east of town. j Rocks as big as men have been j tumbled down into the canyon j I Hi igha m boats the world for fruit. t Slacks of wool in town this 1 week. 1 See the new 1'. I', time card in today's Hi'oi.Kii. I K. II. Cha-i v.as down from Col-! Col-! linston, Monday. Cet your horse shoeing done At j 0. Jeppson it Co., Main St. ! Some grading is being done on j the eastern part of North Street. I Miss Hannah Kotter came down ! from the north Tuesday afternoon. I Six new names added to our subscription list one day last week. 1 How about those pestiferous , little irrigating ditches on the side- walks? I Win. Mill of WelUville, was in j Brighanv this week visiting Mr. j and Mrs. M. L. Ensign, j Miss Maud Ensign of Salt Lake, I has been visiting in Brigham with her relative Miss EUie Ensign, j Clarence WLxom of The Bl'i,eh I mechanical department, went to I Salt Lake Monday and returned j Tuesday noon. j Dr. 0. W. Snow has gone on & j two weeks' trip through the prin- jeipal towns of Cache Valley drum- I ruing up business. A saying is that when suspicion sus-picion points her little linger at a man the finger soon grows to be as large as a telegraph pole. Miss Aggie Standing of Collins ton, sister of County Collector Hy-ruui Hy-ruui Standing, has been visiting i in the City of Homes this week. Postmaster B. F. Boothe informs us that commencing with tomorrow the postodice will be opened on Sundays from 1 until 2 o'clock. Joe Streng, champion wool buyer of northern Utah, has been sojourning in Brigham this week with several other wild and wooly , ' men of the west. w Last week, Recorder E. P. John- i son brought some green peas from his farm near Corinne. That beats I This is the pnneipal season of the j year not to p remit children to eat j green fruits and berries. i The Presbyterian Chaul is receiving re-ceiving a neat co;it uf paint, w Inch I will add immeiiMy to ha appearance. appear-ance. Charles Yost of Yost, western Box Elder, was in town, Thursday, lie has gone to Salt Lake with 10U pounds of rich looking silver and lead ore taken from his Charleston mine at a depth of It ft v feet. There is no excuse fur any nnm to appear ap-pear in society with a grizzly beard since the inlrotluctiun of Uuckinghiiin's I)ye, , which colors, a natural brown or black. J. H. Eldridge, the jovial painter, says he has been so busy the past few weeks that he even had to give up several good paying jobs. That's what we like to hear plenty of work in town. Fishing with a net or a sein in Bear River is lawful only from October first until June first following. fol-lowing. Meshes must be no less than l inches square. This information infor-mation is given for the benefit of a number of readers who have recently asked us in regard to the matter. When the blood is lon.lorl with impurities, im-purities, the whole system beennms disordered. dis-ordered. This condition of thinly cannot can-not la.it long without serious resulls. In such cases a powerful alterative ifc : needed, such as Ayre's Sarsnparilla. It j never fails and has no equal. On Saturday lost, two young men were play in g catch w i I h a ba se ball on Third street. One of the young men threw the ball swiftly and accidentally s'ruck a horse in the eye, knocking it out. Ho was called on to settle, by the owner, L. N. Shelton of Beaver Dam. I Logan Journal. Last Monday or Tuesday, some destructive person or persons entered en-tered the orchard of Edward Faulkner; Faulk-ner; broke oft twenty or thirty branches from a choice cherry tree and carried off cherries, branches and all. Such acts should be roundly condemned. Agent Dunn informed us yester-da' yester-da' that he has secured a fruit rate the same as Ogden has to Colorado and Missouri River points. That is the market now for our shippers to open up. The Merchants Retail Commercial Commer-cial Agency's June abstract of unsettled un-settled accounts in Box Klder, Cache, Utah and several other counties is out. We are sorry to see that the names of a good many Box Elder County people are found among the list of delinquents. How ThU! We offer One Hundred Dollars r e w a r d f o r an' case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0. Wo, the undersigned have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable honor-able in all business transactions and financially able to carry out a n y obi i gatio n s m ad e by their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Drug-gists, Toledo. 0. Walding, Kinnan it Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, in-ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surface of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price Toe. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Jy. 21 road of late by transitory flocks of sheep. And there they lay ob-1 structing the road like so many petrified bodies. In the account of the Tabernacle aervices, published in last Sator-day'a Sator-day'a Bugler, the First Ward was credited with administering the sacrament when it should have been the Third Ward. The flag-staff on the dome of the Court House is a big improvement over the one of yore. The next thing is a handsome flag to adorn the staff. Mr. Baird says he can furnish a fine one for $20. The fire department was out, Wednesday, and as usual had a lively time, affording a deal nf amusement to the scores of small boys who gather about at these events as thick as bees on a honey locust. If a merchant is offering a bargain bar-gain that is not worth advertising it is not worth buying. Therefore real, genuine bargains will always be found among The Bugler's advertisements. ad-vertisements. Readers, don't overlook over-look them. f Evan Morgan has returned from a prosperous trip through the northern part of the county in the interest of the firm of Boothe it Peirce. Mr. Morgan is a pleasant gentleman to deal with and is working work-ing up a good retail trade along his route. To show that the East is having as tough a time to pull through as the West, we need only to state that in June last year money loans in New York and Boston were lively at two to five per cent, per year; now they have more than doubled, m(y loans being scarce at eight and ten per cent. The Brigham City Roller Mills building, situated on the banks of Box Elder Creek in the eastern part of town, is being touched up with the magic brush of the painter. Fred C. Petersen has the job. When the work is completed the mills will present a handsome and imposing appearance. It seems Manager Samuel Smith does not j intend that the exterior of the j building shall belie its excellent j products. NOTES OF THE BUGLER. I Cherries are ripe. J Races at Brigham July 4lh. j Robert Henderson of Willard, ' was in town Monday. J tiet your horse shoeing .done at O. Jeppsnn it Co., Main St.; Edward B. Kirk is the licensed abstracter of Box Elder County. j 1 lyruni Jensen, lumber dealer, ' was down from Col linston this j week. j Two adobe yards west of town i are turning out a large number of adobes every dav. j Attorney J. M. Coombs went j south Wednesday to attend cases! both in Salt Lake and Ogden. Mr. Thompson, n relative of Mrs. ' E. B. Kirk, has been staying with j Judge Kirk and wife the past few ' days. The name of J. P. Jacobsen,, once of this city, now appears in the Millard County Bhule, as manager of that new paper. - Norman Lee, Wesley Ensign and the Misses Ensigns returned, Monday, Mon-day, from a brief trip through the mountains to the Queen of Cache. Tiik Bi'oi.Kit is neither a toad, a lackey nor a personal boomerang lor any person, and the sooner a certain few people find it out the better. The snow is fast disappearing oil Box Elder Peak. Now only a I few white patches can be seen stretching across its prominent pate. Poet Morris, an old timer of Brigham City, but now of Rockland, Idaho, is visiting friends in this neighborhood, after an absence of three years. This week we enjoyed the longest j tlay of the year. Every twenty-j four hours now cuts a few seconds j off eatdi day and adds them to the succeeding night. James Christenscn and Isaac Jensen, two young men of the Sec- ond and Third wards, have received j appointments to go on missions to l the Indian Territory this eomintr' fall. ! Our best readers are our best farmers. They subscribe mid pay j for their paper. Very seldom we j lose a cent from our fanner readers, i They are honest. Ex. Just n here. ! The Brigham City Bi ;u:it has j entered upon a new volume. Tin-: Bum, Kit has always been a good representative of the business of its section. Wideawake, newsy, and progressive, it deserves to be well sustained. Ogden Daily S'itmf-irtl, Coin plaints an: made by some who do not use postnlliee boxes that the deliveiy is very unsatisfactory unsatis-factory at Bear River City. We j hope to hearof better treatment and prompter delivery uf The lUoi.i ii I at that point in tho future. j j Brigham for early peas. But they are now ripe here. The Territory offers a quarter of a cent a head for each of these pestiferous pes-tiferous little English sparrows which are driving all our native birds from the Territory. The Germans are great advertisers. adver-tisers. They even carry it to an extreme. It is no uncommon thing in Germany to see a man advertise adver-tise a daughter wbom he wishes to get rid of. Nels Jensen of Park Vallev, was in Brigham City on business this week. He reports everything in quite a prosperous condition out iu the central part of the county. The newspaper has been called the great natural school-book. It goes into the family circle and drops the same idea into thousands of minds at once. An advertisement, if it has an idea, is sure to be read. Ex. The New York World publishes the Mormons' "Articles of Faith" in its ISd'd almanac. They ore said to have been prepared by President Woodruff. They are genuine, no matter who they were prepared by. Rexburg I'n'ss. Willard is having quite a building build-ing boom. A number of fine brick residences have lately been completed com-pleted and many others are now in course of construction. The town ir? displaying a whole lot of pluck and spirit for these dull times. The executive officers of all the states and territories have issued a circular laudatory of the World's Fair exhibit, stating that the exposition is most wonderful and that living rates iu Chicago arc not so excessive as represented. Thomas Yates of Callsfort. went up to Beaver Dam recently. He reports the grain and lucern fields that are situated on the high and dry sides of the mountains badly in need of rain. -Light crops will be the result all along tho route between Callsfort and Beaver Dam. U has been discovered that the home-grown, hand-spanked, ragged bare-loot country boy makes a better bet-ter lighter in the battle of life than docs the hampered, well-clothed city boy, the scat of whose pants are dusted with a golden slipper, (live us the hand-spanked country boy every time. Ex. The cavc-:n on the O. S. L. near Fossil, Wyo., Sunday, carried down 100 feet of tho tunnel. Thursday, another cave occurred in the same luntH 1, 300 more feet of the same passage being filled up. The laborers labor-ers on the break yesterday were making but slow headway. The through trains along the line may be sent via. Ogden for weeks to come. The Box Elder Meat Market wishes to inform all its old customers, cus-tomers, a nd new ones too, that everything will be done tt off, r them the best of treatment and satisfaction in the meat market line. Your patronage is desired. Jens-en fr Bowrint. Proprietors. |