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Show Notice I" j;riMlitors. TevrUnrv of tTmli, I Couniv ol l!o. Klder. i ' " Kitnleof Peter L Petersen, deceased. VIlTH'K is hertl.v Kiven In- tin" nmleoiuned J hA.-ent.ir of the luM Will uuil 'I'eMii-au-iit of Pee. r r. Peiei-eii. l)erea-ed, 10 tlie ciedii'irs ol mid till per-o',is Imvinu chiinis ii-ninst ilu' Mild de.-cused, to exhibit lln-in Willi lie niN'e--tii y vmielier-, iiihin -1 momiis tifter On-ili-i piil.ili'iiiion of tlii- ii'iiiee, to the sniil Ke'ii ir ui On' uilice of ilu- County l'roeenlinf; Atlorney, in llie Coiinly Court IIoiim-, HriKliHiii Ciiy. in llie -aid Conniy of liox KMer. 'fl iila P i'lCI'KllSF.N. Kxeeiilor'of tiie ln-l Will mid Tesliiment ol 1'eU-rC. IVter-en, deiea-ed. l'.ni-d .lunc 'Jml, 11V!. "il ") K. P. .!oaN.-S. nml Xki.s Iknson, A11..n;eyv fur Keentor. |