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Show I ATTRACTIVE DESIGN H Is an important part of our successful trade H In sterling silver. H It is better than sale-talk and personal H Influence and tramples our competition. H Our designs are exclusive, beautiful and H reasonable. H SALT LAK CITY. UTAIt I Do it Now H vOrder your Coal and H avoid a possible shortage fl Hiawatha H Rock Springs All Coal IVERSRYAN COAL CO. B Bell Phones: 420 OlIIcc, m Yds. 103 East 2nd So. I ASK FOR I Lemp's St Louis I Beer H FALSTAFF and EXTRA PALE H It is sold everywhere and is the most H popular beer on the market today. M As a beverage it is unexcelled. B It is absolutely pure. B For nourishing and building up the sys- M tern there is no better tonic. H Try it and you will want more. H C. H. REILLEY, Distributer H Phones: Bell 688, Ind. 1485. B 21G-218 So. State Salt Lake City, Utah. I Louvre M is now owned by the Semloh H Hotel company, and is under M new management. Mr. A. J. H Davis is in charge of the cafe. H Daily table d'hote luncheons M for business men and ladles m who may be shopping, at a M nominal price, and with rapid H service. A la carte service for B after-theater parties on any H scale. Tea parties for afternoons H! are solicited and banquet parties Hj from four to one hundred accom- H modated in private dining rooms H at popular prices. Hj Reservations for tables for M dinners or after-theater suppers HH can be made by telephone. H Music with cheerful surround- H ingo and crowds of patrons H makes the Louvre the desirable m and most popular place in the Wfo I WEEK COMMENCING 8UNDAY MATINEE OOT. 22 "CHEYENNE DAYS" Gus Hornbrook's Wild West Show, including includ-ing Lucillo Mulhall and Hor High School Bronco, Red Buck, Art. Borden, Wyoming's Champion Roping Expert, ana Otto Kline, i Riding the Only Outlaw Bucking Horse on the Stage, WAMPUS. GEORGE LliOYD Drawing Room Entertainer JAY ROBERTS, Pianist. KLEIN IIUOTIIEIIS A SIBYL I1RENNAN In Bits of Musical Comedy JUNE IMES In Songs The Smart Entertainer IIENHY CMVE Assisted by .' MISS MAI STURGIS WALKER I Direct from the Folles Bergoro LA AHENERA & VICTOR I Presenting "Love of the Rose" ' 4 TRIO I3U GROS Daring Gymnastics and Boisterous Pun POWERS MARIONEAUX ATTORNEYS & COUNSELORS O. W. POWERS, THOMAS MARIONEAUX, J. W. McKINNEY Top Floor Front, Kearns Bldg. Bell phone 1850. No Matter Where You Live Our complete Electric light outfits will light your country or suburban home, barn, factory, etc., with the most brilliant, conven- flj lent and sanitary light known at tho small cost of generating the current. Easy to Install In-stall and to keep running. Will last for years, with very small expense for maintenance. main-tenance. The same gasoline engine can be used for operating a water supply system or other machinery.. We also make larger electric elec-tric light plants up to BOO H. F. Write IZpgj Outfa Complete FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO., 1 67-1 69W. 2nd So. St., Salt Lake City. Fireproof Storage. Moving Free I New. Modern Strictly Fireprool Storage Warehouse q Three acres of floor space. Exclusive for Household Goods. Men to pack and handle goods who have years of experience. iVo do moro Moving, Packing and Shipping than all others In tho city combined. Have tho Biggest and Best Vans with Prize-Winning Horses. ALL CARTAGE TO WARE- t HOUSE AND FOR PACKING AND SHIPPING SHIP-PING FREE. Goods shipped East and West half rates. Handling Household Goods Is a Profession With Us Redman Moving & Storage Co. PHONES 555 George E Skclton VIOLIN TUITION Studio Room B. Board of Trade Bldg. Announcement urt.-J. F. IRVINE, Dentist, has recently vacated his office at 310 Judge Bldg., and Is now permanently located at 605 Judge Bldg. f Bell Phone 5805. f |