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Show f SOMETHING "liIj M NO PRUDENT PERSON IftRill El 11 SHOULD NEGLECT AgiSMlm fj Wl It is Fire, Burglar and Water-proof, Qpgj J FJ and insures the Absolute Safety of Valu- Q LlSa &2 1 h We have Boxes in this Vault for rent WL gfajj tf ml m) at a very reasonable charges O pOl m Wat P The safe storage of valuables is some- Fy-4 3 thing no piudeut person should neglect. jh 3E H mM Jl Tho Safe Deposit Vault of the Utah Sav- 2i LaS S m ' Ings Trust Company embodies all that "cT Jo oo" 'cT Lj M is best in modern vault construction. ra Pf S mm l UTAH SAVINGS lUilAi f HI J3 U TAM 8 AV I N O S ft T R U ST C O 0 Ej TRUST COMPANY II J .35 MAIN STREET TJ WJyf El I N "l,. THE BUSINESS HEART" jjtfpf J American Beauty I BEER I A popular expres- jfegWH H 3ion one that lias WmW 1 become a household jfllll 1 term because it ex- JpSlI 1 presses a household fW$M 1 necessity. Social re- FML quirements compel IJiillil 1 us to have some &m 1 thing of an inviting jmmm 1 nature to offer those l&lgjZ. who invaiiably drop yjflKPilk. in on us unexpect- MwMKftMmK 1 edly something like MmM$MSJM$$k "American Beauty liiiiBKl 1 Beer." There is no mWSsMWmmm M satisfying substitute li!jjllHlilB A beautiful sc(rv- 1hBO h ing tray given each WsH M family ordering a LltfCagto, 1 H case of oeer direct WffjAffi fl from the brewery. ijJPaflBKJEl 1 Order one today. "WM 1 The Salt Lake City M I Both Phones 17. H i I If you want to eat tho best that the market affords, perfectly prepared, nicely M srrved, at prices within reason, go to the H 55 EAST THIRD SOUTH H Special attention given to theatre parties. M 'I H I (1 lH ou ina scrvc H H HpropH on occasions H H HfUH confident it H H nwmfm&l "in Pcasc thc I Ka Mmmt M most ciiticnl. H H I piSill DISTRIBUTER I 'H 1 I 1 ' M |