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Show DENVER & RIO GRANDE AND THE BIO GRANDE WESTERN Only Transcontinental Line Passing Dlreotly Throug&Salt Lake City. Connections made In Ogdon Union Depot with All Trains of Southern Pacific and Oregon Short Lino. OFFERS 'CHOICE OF Q FAST THROUGH TRAINS DAILY 0 J ""Leaving Ogdon at 7:25 a. m., 2:16 p.m. and 7:1 6 p,m (J And Tforee Distinct Scenic Routes. Pullman Palaco and Ordinary Bleeping Cars to DENVER, OMAHA, KANSAS CITY, ST. LOUIS, CHICAGO Without Change. Free Reclining Chair Cars. Personally Conduotod Excursions. A Perfect Dining Car Servloo. For rates, folders, etc., Inquire of nearest Ticket Agent specifying the Rio Gkande Westkbn, or write I. A. BENTON, Goneral Agent Pass. Dopt., Salt Lako City. Home Decorations. Allow us to corao to your homes and study the architectural ar-chitectural construction, the natural light conditions, condi-tions, the coloring and stylo of your rugs and draperies, draper-ies, and wo aro then prepared to offor suggestions which will contribute largely to tho successful decoration decor-ation of your homes. GEO. W. EBERT & CO., 57 Main St. Home Decorators. f MRS. G. V. KERR Teacher of China Painting and Water Colors. Stndio 57 Hooper Block. Classes Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. - BEAVEN & IW1URRY, 1 TRIO OF I OSTEOPATHS, I 303 AUERBACH BUILDING ' 1 Offioe Tel. II20-Y. Res. Tel. 1254-Z 1 ELI L. PRICE mmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmm G R O O E R POULTRY, FI8H AND GAME IN SEA80N IE South Mtvln Street, V 'Phone 865 Located In the heart of tho business and thoatro district). Two blocks from all Mormon Interests. STRICTLY EUROPEAN PLAN. THE NEW WILSON. A. Fbbd "Wet. THK M03T UP-TO-DATE HOTEfc WEST. SALT LAKE CITY. Opened March, 1003. Rates, 81.00 to $3.00 per day. Popular Frloed Restaurant. Largo, Light Sample Rooms. 200 Rooms with Telephone, Hot and Cold Running Water. Sixty Private Baths. & A GOLD BOND fi rc That pays 4 per cent interest is considered j ra a gilt-edge investment. A saving deposit en I with the 29 I Utah Commercial & Savings Bank ffl Pays 4 per cent and is as good as rfj P A GOLD BOND I ICULLEN HOTEL jpgl II S.C. EWIhG, Propr. 8SSr. I We Make Business &j for ALL of the 92 I 5,500 Subscribers m in Salt Lake tfj m by having M I 750 Towns 1 ffi connected pj I Thour . 1 Long Distance Lines. 1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN I I BELL TELEPHONE ft COMPANY. ft pi ( naEBSEESSESBS easssgsHssssso J E. COSGRIFF, E. W. WILSON, fSl Froaidont. Casblor liiH Opon an Account with Commercial national Bank H J. J. DALY, HH W. P. NOBLE, A. H. PEABODY, - HH Vice Presidents. Aest- Cashier. HI WALKER BROS. BANKERS H SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. Established 1SS9. ifl A General Banking Butlneti Transacted. Safety Deposit Boies for Rent. Qs NATIONAL BANK OF THE REPUBLIC I U 8. DEPOSITARY. H PHANK KNOX President IH JAMBS A. MURRAY Vice-President H W. F. ADAMS Cashier H Capital Taid in $300,000. M Banking In all Its branches transacted. Exchange LH drawn on tho prlnolplo cities of Europe H Interest Paid on Time Deposits. M ESTABLISHED 1862. fl WELLS FARGO & COMPANY BANK H salt Lake city, Utah. M CAPITAL, SURPLUS AND PROFITS, OVER 14,379,000 DOLLARS. M HOMER S. KING President H H. L. MILLER Cashier H H. P. CLARK AsBt Cashier H The Oldest and Strongest Bank In Utah. H General Banking Business Transacted. H Joseph F. Smith, Prea. R. S. Campbell, Sec & Gen. Mr iH R. F. Hatwabd, Electrical Engineer. H UTAH LIGHT AND POWER GO. I SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. H INSTALLATION: I Electrical, Salt Lako City Water 2400 H. P ' iH " Salt Lake City Steam 1500 H. P H r . J5don Water 5000 H.P M Leased Plants........ Water 8000 H. P M Gas, Salt Lako City 400M Cu. Ft Dally H " Ogdon ... 00M Cu. Ft. Dally H profitable Invcatmcnta H Utah and Nevada offer excellent opportunities for H Investments In ft JVHnca and Joining Stocho. H Writo for rellablo Information and Bond for Weekly H Market Letter. " H WILLIAM H. T1BBALS, B 401 D. F. Walker Bldg - SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. . THREE points to think of when you got an ab- jH stract of title to real estate: TM 1. Completeness. H 2. Accuracy. H 3. Responsibility M Thico reasons why tho Utah Savings & TruRt H Company mako two-thirds of tho abstracts made in H I Salt Lake county. 1G0 south main. H I 1 . B. WIJNTPBOR, 1 1 52 Established 18S0. H GENERAL INSURANCE AND ADJUSTING. I bj Phone 244. 62 West Sooond South, wj H Salt Lake Turf Exchange I KENYON HOTEL C ALI FOR NIA AND ' I EASTKRN RAORS I M |