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Show I I Salt Lake Hiddart Floral Co, J NO. $ MAIN STREET NOW IN FULL BLOOM K djg t Azeleas, Callas, Easter Lillies B fiH j j ,xnd Freesias, Hyacinths, Narcis- H ji If sus, Daffodils, and Lily of the H ll 214 E. SECOND SOVTH Valley, Palms and Cut Flowers. H , COME AND SEE H H 1 Largest Green Houses in the West BH '(ft j Phone 57 12th South and State Street. mm M i visitors welcome. j HBm1 ' to wait fr a car when going to a ball or out shopping. Hire on? IfjLXjf ' IHffiil our handsome carriages, for it will prove more enjoyable tn Jf " jfflfflfn ' ' HS ride in, and it gives you a certain prestige, which we all like to feel fHrf 11 I I flEpgil of various designs and good horses can be had from us at ail feflfl&H ISmHBBUmB HjKllli times. We have a large number for you tp select from, and we HyHNjMlHHH HKIf ! Why not call on us and see for you self? mmMJsPmiiJIIS HH fhone 410 KIMBALL'S LIVERY " Just Received New Shipments of Silk Shirt Waist Suits and Sheer I White Waists. The height of perfection in style, fit and I workmanship. Prices as usual here. I REMARKABLY LOW.. I 1 Choice Cut f lowers f 3 MOCORNICK BUILDING J I floral Dc$Ian$, Pottca Plants and Cut Tlowtrs ; 1 72 E SECOND SOUTH 1 The B. C. Morris Floral Co. a THOS. HOBDAY, MANAGER. 1 sterling" a I M .W It Is stamped on all r BMM1 of our till ver. W CWihlPil. CAFE, . W. G. SCHMIERER, Propriotor. Everything First Class. Ladies' Dining Room, Tray Orders sent out. OPEN ALL NIGHT. 239 Main St. ,pHOSEo.-Y. J beie Are a Cot of People Who do not know that we keep constantly in stock all of tne famous table wines and liquors of qtiality Sparkling burgundy champagnes, Cresta Blanca sauhirne and claret and the finest i whiskies sherries, ports and all other bottled goods, including the famous bottled cocktails. Phone No. 86 whenyou need these things. Schramm's Where the Ca.rs Stop. |