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Show I SKINNERS I SWAMP-ROOT FOR KIDNEY AILMENTS There Is only ono mcdiclno that really stands out preeminent a a medicine for curable nllmcnta of tho kidneys, llvtr and bladder. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot' stands the hlghcat for the reason that it has proven to be just the remedy needed In thousands thou-sands upon thousands of distressing catcs. Bwamn-Itoot, a physician's prescription for special diseases, makes friends quickly because be-cause its mild and Immediate cITcd Is soon realized In most cases. It is a gentle, gen-tle, healing vegetable compound. Start treatment nt once. Sold at nil drug stores in bottles of two sizes, medium medi-um and large. However, If you wish first, to test this treat preparation rend ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Uingliamlon, N. Y., for n ample bottle. When writing' be sure and mention this paper. Adv. I Pen co Is rarely denied tho peaceful. Ipln most cases i I of Dyspepsia I I Coffee Does I Not Agree" says a welt known I authority. H U Many who use cof- I I fee not knowing I I that it aggravates I jj 6tomach troubles could still enjoy a delicious hot tabic beverage and escape es-cape coffee's effects by a change to tho wholesome, pure cereal drink N POSTUM I "There's a Reason" Jj , I fSri I HEAL BABY RASHES that Itch, Burn and Torture With Cutl-cura Cutl-cura Trial Free. A hot Cutlcurn Sonp both Is soothing to Irritated skins when followed by a gentle nppllcntlou of Cutlcura Ointment. Oint-ment. Uso Cutlcurn for every-dny toilet toi-let preparations to prevent such troubles. trou-bles. After this treatment baby sleeps mother rests nnd hcnlment follows. Frccsnmplo each by mall with Hook. .Address postcard, Cutlcurn, Dept. L, Doston. Sold everywhere. Adv. $100 Reward, $100 Catarrh Is a local disease greatly, Inftu. nccd by constitutional conditions. It therefore lequlres constitutional treatment. treat-ment. HALL'S CAT A Mill MBDIC1N1S taken Internally and acts through the mood on the Mucous Surfaces of the Sys. em. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE "ffssrroynrie TMihaallOn of the disease.' gives the patient strength by Improving the general health and assists nature In doing Its work. I10O.0O for any case ot Catarrh that HALL'S CATARRH MRDICINB falls to cure. Druggists 76c. Testimonials free. V, J, Cheney ft Co., Toledo, Ohio, Tho Franco-Prussian wnr of 1870 kcost $1,580,000,000. (aeaesaaai aaaaaaaasi asaaaaaaaa UnrenI pleasures of life nre the most expensive. ACID POISONING! The most eminent physicians recognize that uric acid stored up In the system Is the cause of gout and rheumatism, that this urlo acid poison Is prosent In the joints, muscles, or nerves. Qy experimenting experi-menting and analysis at . tho Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute In Huffalo, N, Y., Dr. Plorco discovered a combination combina-tion of natlvo remedies that ho called An-u-rlc, which drives out tho urlo acid from the syslem, nnd In litis way tho pain, swelling and Inflammation subside If you are n sufferer from rheumatism, backache, pains here or there, you can obtain ob-tain Anurtc, double strength, at any drug storo for CO cents, and get relief from tho "pnlns nnd Ills brought about by uric ncldj or send Dr. Tlcrco lOo for trial pkg. Anu-rle Anu-rle which you will nnd many times more potent than llthta and eliminates uric bc1 almost as hot water melts sugar. A short trial will convince you. Bend a sample of your water to Dr. Plerco and It will bo tented freo of charge. Anurlc Is a rn-rutar Insurance nnd life-snvcr life-snvcr for all Ms meat caters and those who deposit lime-salts In their Joints. XoHv HORSE SALE DISTEMPER & NjSX Yo." knoJv ,,lnt wl,on yu M'l r huy through the sales ff "V XX you hnvonbout ono chnnce In fifty to cscapa 8AI.IJ NTAIll.IO gagS fry I J qV IHMTBMIUSIl. ".IPOIIN'S" Id your truo protection, your gViiH l(X fomn ilzl only safeguard, for as suro as you treat all your horses, ICAli IZX' tlZl wlth ?ou win oon be rid of tho tllsensc. It nets as a' gaH H 4f71fl . Vri "uro Proventlve, no matter how they nre "exposed.". tagSB W TfrV A3! CO cents and tl n bottle; J6 nnd $10 dozen bottles, at all gsilB &&BP!5fs druggists, horse goods houses, or dollvercd by the bH NCtt, r,Oj mnnufneturcrs. SI'Oll.N JIUDICAL CO., Manufacturers, Co.lirn, fnd., U.S.A. Important to Mothora Einmlno carefully ovory bottlo ot CASTOItIA, that famous old remedy for Infants and children, and see thnt It Blgnaturlfo In Uso for Ovor 30 Years. Children Cry for Flctchcr'a Ca8toria Women nro fnst replacing men In ' tho British printing trade. I HELP 18 OFFERED and Is freely gives -tt. to every nervous, clcll- cnte woman, by Dr. sB Pierces' Favorito Pre-gtAaLLm Pre-gtAaLLm icrlpllon. Remember gUKtaHlngrcilients on label aliiV JasW'gBln Tablet or Liquid L gIH fforin. every "female complaint," irregular- iH W jty, or wrnkncus, fB BJ in every exhausted LTgal AH condition of the fe- fJHH male system, the "Pre- . , , scrintlon" never falls to benefit or cure, llcnrine-down paint, intcrnnl inflammation and ulceration, weak back, and all kindred ailments are benefited by it. It can now be had in tablet form as well as liquid at almost B any drug store. Tablets 00c. Dr. Pierce's Medlrnl Advlncr (1000 nges) will be sent free on receipt of ) one-cent stamps in pay cost of printing, wrapping and mailing (inly. Address Dr. V. M. Pierce, IlulTnlo, N. Y. Constipation enues many serious ill's-njc. ill's-njc. It is permanently relieved by Dr. T'erces Pleasant Pellets. One n laxa-five; laxa-five; two or three arc cathartic. Get the Genuine CASCARA QUININE No adrsnce In price for this 30-rtar- H old remedy 3c for 34 tablets Some gaffV cold tablets now 30c for 31 tablets H Flsured on proportionate coat per .aH tM, u ..v oje when ou buy sagssB Hill's Cures Cold L H UM: () At snrDruf Slor nJJr H Spurs I VmtHlfr Wepty hlshesteuh Mires H vtasViNSv thousands of trappers ffjssfl wno ,,1,p tD'r 'ura 10 Ul BlllllV A every season. Whether you gtaHH r send on skin, or a hundred, you get H BcstGrnding-Highejt Prices Ir?a capital, expert grsders, and Ions gfBBB ifMrltsce sre -our protectwoi lhr ffutrvnue gssailB ou more lirefltable nimd. Why iwttMm Has H trllblpinenirlAtai rroveeurr.lriteHnsenl fgsBBll Pronptpcr. Wrllefrrrreropyor"Kurr'c1e." fBaBKSS Trscpen' Supplies Cstalus and ihlpplng U. BBSSBBBJ AnitAiiAM Fun co. LH 1 18 Abraham Bldg bt. Louis, Ma. H I Middle Aged I I Are Here Told the Best Remedy w'i I ,H I for Their Troubles. iliSfSviS l&i I ssl Preemont, O. "I wns passing through the critical JijiM'raj? - SSV WM b I sasiiH period of life, being forty-six years of ngo nnd had all OJSf W2 " ttui ' B ssasH tho symptoms incident to that chango heat flashes, (Jcfx$Sf jlLil27fer '3lill H gsaH nervousness, and wns In n general run down condition, yamTtti Al 'h NT-- (I li li I gsLaH so It was hard for mo to do my work. Ljdla E. Pink- M'M'K!T V V S i& I I assess! ham's Vegetable Compound was recommended to me as TytVi ' V L-B ssssH tho best remedy for my troubles, which H surely proved v vyl&iiZr r y .H to be. I feel better and stronger In every way sluco 'KBPlVA Ylfc ' C5SLrxB geageal taking it, and tho annoying Ayroptoms nave disap- Z WBilOMA-l!n5M ssLsH geared.' Mrs. M. Oobden, 0'J5 hapoleon St., Fremont, ("KylSjM I North Haven, Conn. "Lydla E. Plnkliam'n Vcrjeta- (VrjvtssssBi X iVsbssbBsbsVssbssbsV' gH bio Compound restored my health uf ter everything el so geaH had failed when passing through change of life. Thero MtKUEtfQfnllEfQM sssH ia nothing like it to overcomo tho trying symptoms." r aWS;l gggg9sBSgH sssLH Mrs, J?LoiutNCB iBKiiA.Ilox 107, North Haven, Conn. 'jjjWB I LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S ' I . I VEGETABLE COMPOUND 8 . LYDIA E.PINKHAM MEDICINE CO. LYNN. MAS3., M FOR COUGHS AND COLDS "-take a prompt an4 tfrcctlrs remedy-ona Uutt acta quickly and contains no opiates Too can get such a remedy by asking for PISO'S For each bachelor who sighs because he Is alone fully n dozen married men I Mgh because they nre not. HAIR BALSAM f fSiitM AUet preparation o( tueilt, KfKfH hfVKfn Jlalpito eradicate daudruo H HI'olL SH For Restoring Color and aBBsaBal KSSVrTSl''itytaQrayorFaddllar, gssgsB W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. 46-1917. |