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Show REORGANIZE DRAFT S IS WILSON'S PLAN EVERY MAN WILL BE 8UBJECT ' if TO 8ERVICE, EVEN IF NOT If IN FIGHTING FORCE. President Makes Stirring Appeal ta wm All Citizens to Aid In the Work iW 'Next Army Call Will Not Be M Made Before January 15. gm Washington. President Wilson on j November 10 ordered tho complete re- tJB organization of tho draft mnchlncry S which, makes every mnn subject to M wnr duty, If not In France, nt least '1 In tho fields nnd factories. J In n foreword to the now rcgula- JH tlons under which tho reclassification -fa of the 0,000,000 men not called In tho SB first draft will be made, tho president n makes a stirring nppenl to nil citizens, . 9 cspeclnlly lnwyers and physicians, to. ljB aid In tho work. J In his foreword, tho president, over M his signature, says: 'Jffi "Tho task of selecting nnd moblllz Uf Ing the first contingent of the national. X army Is nenrlng completion. Tho ex- In pcdltlon nnd nccurncy of Its nccom- 'M pllshmcnt wcro a most gratifying dcin- onstratlon of tho cfllclency of our 9 democratic Institutions. Tho suffer- m lugs with which tho mnclilncry for Its- execution hnd to bo assembled, how- V over, left room for adjustment nnd Im- JH provemcnt. BJ Tho tlmo hns cr.tno for n moro per- Vj feet organization of our man power. Tho selective prlnclplo must lift carried JB to Its logical conclusion. Wo, must S make n completo Inventory of thu- qualifications of ult registrants In order- . V to determine as to each mnn not nl- 9j ready selected for duty with tho serv- M Ice, tho placo in the military, Indus- trlnl or ngrlcultural ranks of tno nn- rm Hon In which his. experience nnd train- H lug can best bo mado to servo tho com- H raon good. This project Involves an. Inquiry by tho selection boards Into tho domestic, Industrial and cdtica- tlonnl quallllcutlons of nearly ten mil- Hon men. "I call upon all citizens, therefore, to nsslst local and district boards by proffering such service and Btich mate- ' rlnj conveniences ns they enn offer nnit. by appearing beforo tho boards, cither upon summons or upon their own In- I Itlntlve, to glvo such Information as i will bo ussul In classifying regis- a trants. Id "I urge men of the legal profession J to offer themselves ns nssoclato mem- ii bcrs of tho legal advisory boards, to bo provided In each community for tho- jm purpose of advising registrants ot their .km rights and obligations, and of assist- rfu Ing them In tho preparation of their JJ answers to the questions which all "1 men subject to tho draft nro required M to submit. "I ask tho doctors of tho country to- Identify themselves with tho medical advisory boards which ure to bo con- M stltuted In tho vurlous districts- throughout the United States for the- purpose of making u systematic physl- cat examination of tho registrants. It Is Important also that pollco official M of every grade anil cluss should bo- m Informed of their duty under tho sclec- j tlvo servlco law nnd regulations, to j search for persons who do not respond M promptly nid to servo tho summons of J local and district boards. 9 "Newspapers can bo of very grent 'I assistance In giving wldo publicity to- 1 tho requirements, of tho law nnd regit- 1 latlnns, and to the numbers nnd names of thoso who aro called to present themselves to their local boards from- j djiy to day, Finally, I ask that during tho tlmo hereafter to bo specified as T marking tho sixty-day period of clnssl- -4 Hcatlon, all citizens give attention to J tho task In hand In order that tho ' process may proceed to a conclusion r ' with swiftness, and yet with even and consldernto Justice to all." Ono thing certain ns n result of the announcement Id that thero will bono bo-no second draft until nfter tho middle of January, Tho sixty-day period of reorganization will not huvo expired i until then. |