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Show Beet Harvest Sale! I Beginning Thursday morning, Nov. 15th, I you can save money on Heaters, Rugs and I Pianos at STOHL'S. From the 15th to the 25thf of November, wo shall offer for Bale at very special pri-cph, pri-cph, two pianos, one of which is' a Heuning Player nud the other is a Whittier i'iauo.-Our i'iauo.-Our whole lino of Ueaters and our complete etock, of Rugs are being offered at reduc- ' tions that menu a big saving to our patrons. Below wo list some real good bargains. These ouly serve to illustrate the many other money-saving bargains which you may find at our store. Look them over. Like-ly Like-ly you will And something here you uocd. H STOVES With all Heaters purchased between November 15th and 25th, for cash, we in-elude in-elude a heavy wood lined stove board, tluee joints of pipe, and one elbow, and an excol-lent excol-lent coal hod in black, a flro shovel and a poker for the regular cash price of the stove alone. Here is an example of how this works out: Vortex Heater No. 121V, Regular Price $16. OO H Wood. lined stove board 1.50 Pipe and Elbow 1.20 H Coal Hod .50 Poker .10 H Fire Shovel .25 Regular Price, Complete 19.55 SALE PRICE, complete $13.85 fl Wo believe you can find no better assortment of heaters in the state than will be Jjl found in our line. We have Round Oak Heaters, Vortex' Heaters, and Universal Ilcot- tl I ers of all different m.os and styles. Buy your heater now while you need it aud still t Have monoy. J RUGS Manhattan Seamless Tapestry RukfuO x 12. A good rug for the money. Regular U IJ price $17.50, Sale price $11.1)5, H H H Laaaafl Tapestry Brussels Rug !) x 12. Either Conventional or Floral design. Regular H n price $23.50. SALE PRICE $15.85. H Axminster Rug, J)x l2. Excellent grade. Regular pi ice $:KJ.6o. Sale price $2:1.85. I 3 These serve ouly to illustrate the many bargains in the Rug Department. Tho g discount during this sale on all rug-t will be from 257 to We have many styles and designs from which you may make a selection that will match your other furnishings . PIANOS I I Just two pianos are offeivd in this sale. The one is a Hemiiug Player in Mahog- . any b'iuish, similar to cut herewith, except it is a player. This is a first class instru- I ment which sells regularly tor $700 00 Our special price is $i:t7;S0. -With this piano we I include a Bench aud Scarf to match and also 12 music rolls. . I The Whittier Pinitn is finished in beautiful dark oak, aud it sells regularly for $.'150 00. OUR SPECIAL SALE PRICE IS $2t:t 7.'). We include with this piano bench 1 and scaif to match. I These pianos are both guaranteed in evory way. .They have beautiful and lasting" I tone qualities, aud if thoy do not give complete satisfaction after you have had sufficient I time to try them out, we will cheerfully refund your money. I I We accept Liberty Bonds, or receipts .for Liberty Bonds, just the same as if they wero cash, either on account or for purchases, I Here is an opportunity for you to make a big saving for cash. Om prices are I always tli lowest, quality considered. I fcIf your purchases amount fo $50.00 or more, wo will refund your tronsportation.jfea I Stohl rum mux Company I I Brigham City, Utah I H , A Letter I From Washington I The Food Administrator Writes Us: "The use of baking yjpwdcr breads made of corn and other coarse flours instead of patent wheat flour is recommended by the Conservation Division of the Food Administration. The wheat needed for export is thus conserved, and at the same i time healthful food for our own people is provided. The circulation of recipes pro- ' vidlng for these uses would be of assistance in carrying out our plans." Tho following recipes for Corn Bread and Rye Rolls save wheat flour 1 and make attractive and wholesome food for every day when made with ROYAL POWDER CORN BREAD RYE ROLLS H XJl cups corn mil s caps rye floor V IH U CUp flour V4 t.npoon nit IH i UtoI tuipooni Bojd Buklaf Vowit i l.rel teupoou Hojl BUnr Fowdoc BjSJH 1 Ubloipoon oug-tr Ji cap milk f H 1 toaipoon ilt Uoloipooo hortestnr M 1U cupi milk Elrt j imr.dl.nti tocothor. add milk and molt4 ' i tableipooni ibortentnc abortoslnr. Knead on floured Wrdl abapo Into lolla, Mix thorouthlr dry tnrredlentil add milk and maltod Tat Into created P" nd allow to Jtand In wra- H abortenlnr. beat well poor Into well created pan place SO to 5 minutei. Bako In moderate OToa U and bake In bot oo about 85 minutei. to 30 minutes. fJH Our red, white and blue booklet " Beit War Time Recipe" containing additional tlmllar recipe tnt free on request. Addrct Royal Baking Powder Company, Dept. H,13S William Street, New York. ... i i 1 1 ' |