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Show tmm notes' Influenza is reported to bo spreading spread-ing again ull over .tho stato of Wyoming. Wyo-ming. Eighty deaths from tho dlscuso liavo been reported to (ho Btnto health board within two days. Tho governor ot Slontnnu will, within with-in a foW days, Ibsuo n proclamation, culling for a special election to elect n successor to tho late Stato Senator Frank D. Mlrnclo of Helenn. Owing to an alarming revival ot tho Influenza epidemic, Cheyenne lienlth authorities huvo ordered back Into force tho drastic clqslng rules which had been lifted whou the first epidemic ran Its course. Whllo definite plans nro not announced, an-nounced, It Is thought tho schools of Slontnna will bo conducted six days oncli week after geuornl resumption, In order to make up timo lost through tlio Influenza epidemic. Former railroad employes of tho In-tormountnin In-tormountnin section will experience no difficulty In gotting buck their old Jobs, or others equally as good, upon tholr return homo from Franco or American nrmy camps. . Allco Goodwin, tho llttlo daughter of Percy Goodwin, a Slalden, Slont., Tnnchcr, wns shot In the body recontly wllllo sho nnd her sister Delia wcro playing with u .22 rlflo they lmd discovered. dis-covered. Sho has a ohauco for recovery. recov-ery. ,An nppeal to every man and woman In California, Nevada and Arlzonn who knows anything nbout nursing to register reg-ister with tho Bed Cross lias been Issued from tlio organization's Pocillc division headquarters at San Francisco. Fran-cisco. VIdn Collins, nged 3, died ns tho result re-sult of burnB sustained Bovernl days previous at thu Biberdy ranch near St. Begls, SIouL, thu family homo. During tho nbBenco of her parents, tho child set her clothes aflro whllo pluylng with matches. Gerald SI. Davison, well known young mnn of .Missoula, Slont., Is dead In Franco of wounds received In notion, no-tion, uccordlng to a mcssiigo thut nr-rived nr-rived last week. Ho left Montana for Camp Lewis on September 22, 1017, uid was sent overseas last spring. Sliko SIailnn Is to be tried for sedition sedi-tion nt Kkuluka, Slont. Ho is churgod with having stated, that Belgian children child-ren nllegod to liavo been innlined by Oormuns wwo purposely crippled and dlsllgurod In enstern fnctorlos nnd exhibited ex-hibited to crcatq feeling ngulnst Germany. Ger-many. ltescuo car No. 1 of tho United States bureau of mines mndo no effort, besides drilling several men, to rescue tho body of Chnrlcs A. Pcet. mining engineer, drowned In tho Key West mlno, nenr St. Thomas, Nov., It will bu charged In a report shortly to bo mndo to the stato officials of Nevada. Albert Hampton of Gold Creek, Slont., wns struck by n train ami killed. .Mr. Hampton, who was 05 years or age, was working along tho railroad tracks unloading u car of posts. Tlio train crew reported Hint tho deceased seemed to bo looking for something, ns ho lmd Ills head lowered Just beforo be-foro ho was struck. Ono county, Pluto, In Utah, nt tho recent re-cent election enst n majority of 153 against amendment No. 1. which proposed pro-posed to amend tho constitution of Utah by adding section 3 to mtldo 22 relntlng to prohibition, tlio vote standing stand-ing 15? for tlio amendment to 200 nghlnst. Tho majority for tlio amendment amend-ment lu tho stato was 20,011. Food administrators of Slontana, In conference ut Helena with Stato Administrator Ad-ministrator Alfred Atkinson, luld plans for food demonstration week, December De-cember 2 to 7, during which meetings will bo held lu every community o explain ex-plain tlio new food conservation program pro-gram recommended during reconstruc tion. Tho state hull Insurance fund, will be uniiblo to meet 50 per cent of tlio claims for Insurance by furiners of Slontann this your, owing to widespread wide-spread lull! losses. 1-ntely, $1125,000 was puld pro nitn to elalninnts, covering cov-ering -10 per cent of tlio losses, nnd nbout $25,000 more will bo paid when tho funds will bo exhausted, leuvlng nbout $100,000 unpaid. A ftinernl according to Slobnmincdan rites was held in ICollspell, Stent, when Allah Ishninel, n Turk resident of Whlteflsh, wns buried. After denth occurred tho undertaker was not permitted per-mitted to touch, tho body, tho dead mans' friends prepnrlng tlio body for burial. At tho gravo they would not permit the sexton to shovel tho earth upon tho casket, Insisting upon "performing "per-forming tills rlto themselves. The president of tho stnto public utilities commission has announced that tho scctlonnl convention ot such commissions, which wns to hnvo been held nt Salt Luke November 25, hns been Indefinitely deferred on account of the Infiuenzn epidemic. Tlio convention con-vention wns to have embraced representatives repre-sentatives from Utnh, Wyoming, sron-tnrtn, sron-tnrtn, Idaho, Colorado, Nevada, Arizona, Ariz-ona, New Slexlco and Texas. Tlio four O'Npll brothers of Wells, Nov., nnd Sirs. SInry Allco Cnpell of Salt Lnfco hnvo Incorporated their hold-lugs hold-lugs of InndB, cnttln. oad sheep in Elko county, Nov., for $1,200,000. Their business will hereafter bo transacted under tho naino of O'Ncll Bros., Inc. Tho stuto public utilities commission commis-sion has ordered thnt Instead of vacating vacat-ing Its heating plant nt Hnvro, ns it nsked permission to do, tho Slontnna Power company slightly Incretiso rates. If lator It Is found It still operates there at a loss, It may drop tlio jater prise. |