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Show NORTHWEST NOTES i Influenza Is reported to bo spreading spread-ing again nil over .tho stalo of Wyoming. Wyo-ming. Eighty deaths from tho disease have been reported to tho state luuilth board within two days. Tho governor of Montana will, within with-in n few days, Ibsuo n proclamation, willing for a special election to olect n successor to the lnte Stnto Seuntor Frank D. Mlrnclo of Helena. Owing to nn alarming revival of tho Influenza epidemic, Cheycnno health authorities hnvo ordered back Into force tho drastic closing rules which had been lifted whou the first epidemic run Its course. Whllo definite plans nro not announced, an-nounced, It Is thought tho schools of Montana will bo conducted six days each week after general resumption, In order to mnko up tlmo lost through tho Influenza epidemic. Former railroad employes of tho in-tormountnln in-tormountnln section Will experience no difficulty In gotting back their old Jobs, or others equally as good, upon tholr return houio from Franco or American nrmy camps. Alice Goodwin, the llttlo daughter of Percy Goodwin, n Mnldcn, Mont., rancher, wns shot In the body recently whllo she and her sister Delhi were playing wIUi a .22 rlflo they lutd discovered. dis-covered. She has a ohunco for recovery. recov-ery. .An nppeal to every man nnd women lu California, Nevada and Arizona who knows nnythlug about nursing to register reg-ister with the Bed Cross hns been Issued from tlio organization's IVclllc division headqunrters nt San Francisco. Fran-cisco. Vldn Collins, nged 3, died ns the result re-sult of burns stistulned several dnya nrnvinus nt thu ltlberdy ranch near St. previous nt tlio mneruy raucu um oi. Ilegls, Mont, the family home. During tho nbsenco of her parents, tho child set her clothes uflro whllo playing with mntches. Gerald M. Davison, well known young man of Missoula, Mont., Is dead In Franco of wounds received In notion, no-tion, uccordlng to n messngo that arrived ar-rived Inst week. Ho left Montana for Camp Lewis on September 22, 1017, ind was sent ovorscas last spring. Mlko MoGlinn Is to be tried for sedition sedi-tion nt Ekulnko, Mont. Ho Is charged with having stuted. that Belgian cldld-ren cldld-ren alleged to have been maimed by Germans wero purposely crippled nnd disfigured In eastern fnctorlos nnd exhibited ex-hibited to crento feeling ngnlnst Germany. Ger-many. Bescuo car No. 1 of tho United Stntes bureau of mines mndo no effort, besides drilling several men, to rescue tho body of Charles A. Peet, mining engineer, drowned In the Key West mlno, nenr St Thomas, Nov., It will bo charged In a report shortly to bo made to the stnto officials of Nevada. Albert Hampton of Gold Creek, Mont- was struck by u tmln nnd killed. Mr. Hampton, who wns 05 years of age. was working along tho railroad tracks unloading n car of posts. Tho train crow reported that the deceased seemed to bo looking for something, as ho had his head lowered Just beforo be-foro ho wns struck. One county, Pluto, lu Utah, ut tho recent re-cent election enst u majority of 1KI against amendment No. 1. which proposed pro-posed to iiniond tho constitution of ('tub by adding section H to article 22 r..lnilni to urohlbltloii, tho vote stuiid- relating to proamnion, uiu tum owm"-Ing owm"-Ing 15 tor the amendment to 20d against. The majority for the amendment amend-ment In tho stnte vns 20,011. Food administrators of Montana, In conference at Helena with Stnto Administrator Ad-ministrator Alfred Atkinson, laid plans for food demonstration week, December De-cember 2 to 7, during which meetings will bo held In every community to explain ex-plain tho new food conservation pro-groin pro-groin recommended during reconstruction. reconstruc-tion. The state hall Insurance fund wilt be unable to meet 50 per cent of tho claims for Insurance by farmers of Montnmi this year, owing to widespread wide-spread luill losses. Lately. MJj.OOO wm paid pro rata to claimants, covering cov-ering 40 per cent of the losses, nnd about $25,000 moro will bo paid when tho funds will bo exhausted, leaving about $100,000 unpaid. A funeral nccordlng to Mohnmmedan rites was held In Knllspell. Mont., when Allah Ishninel. a Turk resident of WhltefMi, was burled. Aftor death occurred tho undertaker was not per-milled per-milled to touch tho body, tho dead mnns' friends preparing tho body for burlnl. At tho grave tliey would not permit the sexton to shovel tho earth upon tho casket, Insisting upon -performing this rlto themselves. The president pf the stnto public utilities commission has nnnounced that the sectlonnl convention of such commissions, which was to havo been held nt Salt Lako November 25. has been indefinitely deferred on account of the Influenza epidemic. Tho con-ventlon con-ventlon wns to havo embraced representatives repre-sentatives from Utnh. Wyoming. Mon-tnrta, Mon-tnrta, Idaho, Colorado, Nevada, Ariz-onn, Ariz-onn, New Mexico and Tcxns. Tho four O'Npll brothers of Wells, Nov., nnd Mrs. Mary Alico Cnpell of Salt Lnko hnvo Incorporated their holdings hold-ings of lands, catth and sheep In Elko county, Nov.. for $1,200,000. Their business will hereafter bo transacted under tho namo of O'Ncll Bros., Inc. Tho sttite public utilities commission commis-sion has ordered that Instead of vacating vacat-ing Its hentlng plant at Havre, ns It asked permission to do, tho Montnna Power company slightly Increaso rates. If later It Is found It still operates tlicro nt a loss, It may drop Uiu enterprise. |