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Show I HOW MRS. BOYD I AVOIDED AN I OPERATION I Canton, Ohio. "I suffered from a female trouble which caused mo much , . Buffering, and two H I III IHJUilliiU doctora decided I UaHalLw to 1 JJ0U, havo I LvffaH operation be?ore HsfcTOM could get well. B MsaOfnl , "My mother, who H fnBCV.MI hod been helped by lllllllllr-lllllllll LydioE.Pinkham'a I IIIIIHIIiBl&illJIIIII Vegotablo Com lljWspryUJI pound, advised mo llafiffcM.Swl totryitbeforosub-I totryitbeforosub-I Wtf&nSB'Sm mtttinBtoanopcra- &m$'.fM tlon. Itrcllovcdmo - 1 from my troubles so I can do my house work without any difficulty. I advise any woman who & afflicted with female troubles to trlva Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegotablo Com- pound n trial and it will do as much for them." Mrs. Mamh Bo yd, 1421 6th St, N. R, Canton, Ohio. Sometimes thcro are serious eondl tions where a hospital operation Is the only alternative, but on the other hand . so many women have been cured by this famous root and herb remedy, Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetablo Compound, after doctors have said that on operation was necessary every woman who wants to avoid an operation should give it a fair trial before submitting to such a trying ordeaL If compltcaUons exist, write to Lydla E. Pinkham Mediclno Co. , Lynn, Moss. , for advice. The result of many years experience Is at your service ' Not That Branch. "VTfcnt n stentorian voice he tins." "No, I think It is more like tho Jones tldo of tlio fnmlly." I Catarrh Cannot Do Cured by LOCAL. APPLICATIONS, as th7 cannot reach the seat or the disease. Catarrh li a local disease, rreatlv Inrtu- (need by constitutional conditions. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE Trill cure catarrh. It I taken Internally and acts through the Dlood on the Mucous Burfare of the Hyalem. HALL'S CATAItnit MEDICINE Is composed of soma of the best tonic known, combined with some of the best . vlood purifiers. The perfect cnmhlnntlon ' of theWrodlent In HALL'S CATArtlUI MEDICINU Is what produces such won lerful results In catarrhal conditions. Druffghtta 780. Testimonials free. F. J, Cheney A Co., Props., Toledo, O. I He who thinks ho never was a fool I III fool now. Important to Mothers Exnmlno carefully every bottlo of . CASTOIIIA, that' famous old remedy for Infants and children, nnd, boo that It Signature 't(2&ffMj&U In Use for OvcrSO Years., Children Cw for f Mr-hor' Castoria Four hours' sleep out. of 24 Is enough for the- elephant V'Ssbssbsssbsbsssssbsbssssshbkm HirJWrkAloieNeverKilJs Hard work never killed anybody. But hard work, with Irregular hours and neglect of rest does weaken the kidneys and keep one tired, miserable and halt sick. If your back aches-It aches-It you have headache, dlszlness and urinary disorders don't wait! Help the weakened kidneys before dropsy,-(travel dropsy,-(travel or Drlcht's disease attacks you. I Use Doan'a Kidney Tills. They have helped thousands and are used the world over. An Idaho Case i Mrs. J. W. Web. wwWm.llll jw. ster, 0110 Blslith Bt, "WMm'" Lswlston, Idaho, n ('Teaa says: "I had trouble 1 wiw from my kidneys of a dksSM a dropsical nature. JmwtTvt Momlnss my hands vKbbw u were swollen so bad- fwClMWi ly I could hardly U Mc Idi.t close them and my livdWaB feet were swollen, 3rrrH too. The lleah under ftTJl jltHlTL. my eyes was puffed IllWif f IJIliSi up and I had other (JflPJl UK Ml annoying symptoms ZiiJX i i.WVmH of kidney complaint, I-HLt wMmK Doan's Kidney Pills fspfjaWKMr fixed me up In good 'fJfJBMH, shape." 'sssasa-am. Get Dsaa's at Any Stare, 60s a Box DOAN'S uiSS?J FOSTER-M1LBURN CO, BUFFALO, N. Y. Stop Losing Calves fta con SUMP AbOrtiOR Out of YOUR HERD and Keep It Out By the nsa of DR. DAVID ROBERTS' "Anti-Atortioii" , Small Expense Easfly Applied. Sure Results. Used successfully for M years. Consult Da. DAVID ItOHBBTS about all animal ailments. In' formation free. Send for FREE soot of "The Cattla Specialist" with full Infer. , ESonon AberteS Tta tSiTua. DAVID ROHRn mINAV COh ISO Crssd Ars.. Wssswas. Whfc 'SHa'r'iXate OTBKV .tSKI DTM AND IN DSMVCH sSfHaiHsaawi ' wsttOTamWilnrt!C 5 Traps at Factory, Pricea J STsrHuta sent itrr "ta"i JW Lss Stop Your Coughing No nted to let that Mush persist. Stop the Irritation, and remoTO, tickling and hoarto. neis by soothing the toflamed throat Wlta PISO'3 Day of All Days, Merry Christmas I may It nnd you Oay with all the best of cheers Joy come your way to remind you Of the time of oil the year. I When bclioola flourish, all flourishes. - t DANDRUFF MAKES HifMl OUT A small bottle of "Danderine" keeps hair thlckt strong, beautiful. Girls! Try thlsl Doubles beauty of your hair In a few v moments. Within ten minutes after on application appli-cation of Dnnderlnc you can not find n slnglo trace of dandruff or falling hair and your sculp will not Itch, but what will please you most will bo after n few weeks' use, when you see new linlr, line and downy nt flrst yes but reully new hnJr growing all Over tho scalp. A little Dilndcrlnc Immediately doubles dou-bles the beauty of your hair. No difference dif-ference how dull, faded, brittlo nnd scrnggy, Just moisten n cloth with Dan-dcrlno Dan-dcrlno and carefully draw It through your hair, taking ono. small Btrnnd nt a time. Tho effect la amazing your hair will bo light, fluffy and wavy, nnd have an appearance of abundance; an fn-coiupnrublo fn-coiupnrublo lustre, softness nnd luxuriance luxu-riance Get a small bottle of Knowlton's Dandcrlno for a fow cents nt any drug store or toilet counter, and provo thnt your hair Is as pretty imd .soft ns any that It hns been neglected or Injured by careless treatment that's nil you surely can have beautiful hair and lots 'of it if yon will Just try a llttlo Dnn-'derlne. Dnn-'derlne. Adv. Japan hns n glycerin manufacturing 'plant which hns n capacity of about 800 tons n month. AT A TABLET! DYSPEPSIA GONE PAPE'8 DIAPEP8IN INSTANTLY RELIEVES SOUR, QAS8Y OR ACID STOMACHS. 'When meals hit back and your stomach stom-ach Is sour, ncld, gussy, or you feci full and bloated. When you hnvo heavy himps of pain or hendncho from Indigestion. Indi-gestion. Here is Instant relief I Just as soon ns you eat a tablet or two' of Pope's Dlapcpsln all tho dyspepsia, dys-pepsia, Indigestion nnd stomach ' distress dis-tress ends. These pleasant, harmless tablets of Pnpo'a Dlapepsln never fall to mako upset stomachs feel flno nt once, nnd they cost very little nt.dnig stores; Adv. ' A' witty girl Is often u drug In tin Aintrlmonlnl market. n.sdstbu. Illllous Attseks, Indlf f Jtlon, srt tared by tsklnr tisr Apple, Aloe, Jslsp usde into ritMist l'ellets (Dr. ritrct's). Ait. TlianUs nro so cheap that (hern li no excuso for gvng them grudgingly. ASTHMA INSTANTLY RELIEVCP WITH OR HOW REFUNDED ASH ANY DRUGGIST VffHGLEYS Announcement: To help meet the needs of the government, Wrigley's has . discontinued the.use of tin foil as. a wrapping for Iiaaigftuj ' ) Hereafter all three WRIGLEY ; . flavors jwill be sealed in ' air-tight, pink-end packages. WRIGLEYS in the pink sealed jSM wrapper and take jmpm your choice of fla- TSMi vor. Three lands WEJ to suit all tastes. lfagl2S , SEALED TIGHT KErT RICOT ' Be SURE you get WRIGLEY'S- I The Flavor Lasts! Hfl 1 wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmm xgg&K COLT DISTEMPER 1 AtX"X) You can prevent this loatlisomo disease from running; H ISf ( ,A through your stitliln nnd euro nil the colts surrorlnir with H f2L Lal .iSl It when you besjln tho treatment No matter how younsr. ;H ItAlf ITT B 1 1 I SI'OUN'8 Is snto to use, on any colL It la wonderful how H lUVvMsassT Apl It prevent J nil dlatempers. no matter how cnlts or horsen SH e TsPLZP at nny artn nro "esposed." All Rood druurrlsts and turf H 4vrVvssVyx Roods houses and manufacturers sell Hl'UILN'S at 00 cent sj N5?orOir nnd 91.10 n Uottlei IS.BO and 111.00 a doien. SiLi SI'OIIN MUU1CAI. CO Goshen, IniL, V. S, A. Lives 200 Years! For more than 200 years. Haarlem Oil, the famous national remedy of Holland, has been recognized as an infallible relict from all forms of kidney and bladder Uis-' orders. Its very ago is pioof that it must have unusual merit. , If you are troubled with pains or aches in trie back, feel tired in the morning. headaches, imligcstiou, insomnia, painful or too frequent passage of urine, irritation or stone in tho bladder, you will almost ' certainly tind relief in GOLD Alii DAI, Haarlem Oil Capsules. This is the good I old remedy that has stood the test for , hundreds oi years, prepared in the proper ?uantity and convenient form to take. ! t is imported direct from Holland lab-, ! oratories, and you can get it at any 1 drug store. It is a standard, old-time borne remedy and needs no introduction. Kncb captula contains one doso of live drops and is pleasant and easy to take. They will quickly relievo those stiffened joints, that backache, rheumatism, lum bago, sciatica, gall stones, grave), "brick I dust." etc. our money promptly refunded refund-ed if they do not relieve you. But be sura to get the genuine GOLD MEDAL brand. In boxes, three sites. Adv. Don't believe nil the good things you hear about yourself. I Calf 1 I Enemies I WHITE SCOURS I BLACKLEG Your Veterinarian can stamp H them out with Cutter' Anti-Coif Scour Scrum and Cutter's Germ Free Dlacldeg Filtrate and Aggrcssin, H or Cutter's Blackleg l'Uls. Ask him about them. If he hasn't our literature, write to us for Information on these products. Tho Cutter Laboratory I Berkeley, Cal., or Chicago, III. "Th Laboratory That Know How" f Every W omau Wants FOR PERSONAL HYGIENE I Dissolved la water for douches step pelvic catarrh, ulceration and Inflam-matlon. Inflam-matlon. Recommended by Lydla E. Pinkham Med. Co. for ten years. H A healing wonder for nasal catarrh, H sore throat and soro ayes. EconomlcaL H llss tiitiMdlair AuAa did tnnJcUsI iwir. fH SsBslsFm. SQc. U Smssuu. of poarakl tr Vil Tlxl'.iiaTJMCcmc.r. IW.,Ma. J wimculicurfi I rAs.iki;Sw.OfalsstTlsccstS. W I H - - I4H W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. 43-1918. You Are Dying By Acid I When you have Heartburn. Gas, Bloat, and that Full Feeling JfiMj I after eating. TAKE ONE t&ZP I F ATONIC W I HPsiCFOR YOUR STOMACH'S SAKE) jg I Rids you of tbe Excess Acid and Overload and you will fairly feel K . , iSjfc. fl , the GAS driven out of your body THE BLOAT GOES WITH IT. UOjU V t IT GIVES YOU REAL STOMACH COMFORT' V M Sold by draffglst Buerllr-If your drucelst can't, supply you Mb box ol Eatoalo for sitsA. a m. n IsH TO 80. .enil us this dr. with four name and address and we will snd It to you you eon send yXflBF n" IM us tho Wo nfier you eft It. Address Eatoalo Itemed Co., 1018 S. Wabash Are., Chicago, III. jaw' 'v. ' - " |