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Show NEWS STORY OF THEPIjST WEEK A Complcle History of What Hai Been Happening Throughout the World. INTERMO'JNTAIN. Nn coal famine threatens Salt Lake this winter. Though other states are ndvocntlng tho use of nil kinds of wood for fuel, Increased coal car tonnage has prevented a shnttogo In Utah. The quorum of twelve apostles has unnnlmoiisly sustained Holier J. Grant ns president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints. President Orant aiiiiiiiinved that he had chosen Anthon H. Lund nnd Charles W. I'on-rbso I'on-rbso as his first nnd second counselors, respectively. Two Seattle shipyard unions, with shout 'J'J.OOO memhers, It ticcamu known Saturday, have voted to strike December Decem-ber 0 as a pretext against the execution execu-tion of Thomas ,T. Mooney, San Francisco, Fran-cisco, convicted of murdering n victim "f a liouib explosion. Out of all the millions' spent by the War department In the purchase) of army supplies during the war, only n very small sum was spent In the went, barely more than $12,000.01)0 In all, and two-thirds of this total was spent In the state of Washington. Colorado's first woman rural mall currier, Mrs. Maltle K. Ault of Ken-drlck, Ken-drlck, won that distinction by defeating her husband, U. 13. Ault, and two oilier candidates In competitive exiiinl-nations exiiinl-nations held to determine who would get the appointment. DOMESTIC. George V. Wlekorshnm, attorney general In the Tnft administration In nn address at New York before educators, edu-cators, lawyers, bankers and merchants engaged In International trade who ore members of the council on foreign relations, re-lations, advanced tho opinion Hint the constitution makes' It mandatory upon up-on Vice President Marshall to assume the office of president. It Mr. Wilson leaves the United States' to attend tho peace conference. Letters Intercepted by federal authorities auth-orities led tn the arrest Tuesday of Ira J. O'Mnlley, an automobile motor engineer en-gineer with efflo'x In Chicago, on charge of having' tried to obtain plans of the Liberty motor by bribing nn em-plojo em-plojo of a 'Detroit automobile company. com-pany. Fourteen enemy-owned seats on tho New York Stock Exchange, tho New Orleans Cotton Exchange, tho New York Cotton Exchange nnd other markets have been seized' by A. Mlt-choll Mlt-choll Palmer, alien property custodian. School children from nil parts of tho United States, somo In Hawaii, nnd a few from Japan paid tribute to tho memory of Jnmcs Whltcoaib Illley, poet, when a studio of the Indiana writer was unveiled nt Greenfield. Ind., November 20. Greenfield was the blrthplnco of Mr. Illley. Soldiers who have been Incapacitated In overseas service and who nro convalescing con-valescing In this country will bo as-sembleil as-sembleil nt twenty-seven camps for organization Into convalescent detachments. detach-ments. John D. Bynn, who recently resigned as director of aircraft production of the United States army nnd ns second assistant secretary of wn has been re-elected n director of tho Anaconda Copper .Mining company. Tho flight of tho Longhead biplane from Siiiitu Barbara, Cal., to Washington, Washing-ton, D. 0., was nbaiiiloned, following n fall at niln llend, Arte., In which Pilot O. S. T. Meyerhofer was slightly hurt and his mechanician, Leo F. Flint, was severely Injured. Tho machine was badly damaged. Army transportation officials announced an-nounced that tho steamers Mlnnekahda, Lapland and Orta, which are bringing home 7000 American soldier from England, probably will arrive nt Now York about December 21. Hundreds of soldiers, sailors and marines broke through a cordon or police surrounding Mudlson Square, New York City ami attacked International Inter-national Socialists who had attended n mass meeting where Bolshovlkl doctrines doc-trines wcro expounded. Tho men nnd women attending the meeting, were driven from the hull. Theodore N. Vail, president of tho American Telephone & Telegraph com-pnny, com-pnny, Is to become tho personal adviser ad-viser of Postmaster General Burleson In tho organization of telephone, telegraph tele-graph nnd eablo systems under government govern-ment control. Mnjor General William Crozler, commander com-mander of the department of tho northeast north-east and former chief of ordnance, nn-nouiieed nn-nouiieed Sunday lit Boston that ho had resigned from tho nrmy and that tho resignation had been accepted, effective effec-tive January 1. After forty-two yean of hard work In tho army GenerM Cro.ler -said ho felt he was entltleJ to n rest. Nome, which has suffered severely lu deaths through tho influenza epidemic epi-demic Is struggling to glvo aid to native, villages to tho north nnd eust In which tho toll of death Is still nlormlngt In two days thirty nntlves died lu ono of these villages nnd reports said that fully 100 more deaths wero probable. 'Alaska Is looking forward to a now "stampede" north beginning next spring, according. to northerners who nro spending their winters nt Seattle. Already plans nro being mndo for placing plac-ing returned soldlors and sailors on Uw soli of tho uorthern territory. Secretary Baker expects soon to submit sub-mit to congress a request thnt an appropriation ap-propriation bo" mndo to relievo war workers who will bo relciiscd when reorganization re-organization of the war deportment to a penco basis begins. Withhold on to 'Uncle Sam's lnsur-nnco lnsur-nnco " ns n slognn. a nntlon-wlde campaign cam-paign to Induce soldiers nnd snllors to re.aln their government Insurance nfter they return to civil life 1ms been Inaugurated In-augurated by Secretary McAdoo. Reduction of present wage scales In the United States will be opposed by the workers, Frank Morrison, secretary of the American Federation of Labor, said In n statement dealing with rccon sfructlon ns It affects labor. WASHINGTON. Ex-President Tnft Intends to "Imin-mcr "Imin-mcr nwny on tho league of nations Idea." Ho made this declaration nt Pittsburg, Tuesday, nfter he nrrlvcd'for mi address before ti chnmber of commerce. com-merce. ; Tho organization of four-mlnuto men of the committee on public Information, will conclude Its work and be disbanded dis-banded December 21. By n "partisan vote or the senate n-nanco n-nanco committee, the total amount to. bo raised by taxes. In 1020 wns fixed nt ?XOOO,1)00,000. Nnval estimates for 1020 hnvo been reduced $1,1S0,:!15,000 as the result of the signing of tho armistice, Secretary McAdoo has- been Informed by Secretary Secre-tary Daniels. The original estimate on a war basis wns $2,0M,:i07,000 and this has been reduced tci ?1, -10:1,022,000. Demobilization of the '.American expeditionary ex-peditionary forces nlrendy In progress with the movement homeward of sick and wounded, will be hastened by the return nt nn early date of eight divisions divi-sions of national guard and nntlonnl nrmy troops, eight regiments of const artillery and two brigades of field artillery. Permanent control of nil radio communication com-munication through nequlaltlon nnd operation by the navy department of nil sliore wireless Btntlons In tho United Stntes used for commercial purposes Is planned by the ndmlnlstrn-, Hon, undor n bill now beforo congress. con-gress. FOREIGN. It Is understood the question of tho extradition of tho former German emperor em-peror Is being considered by British law officers of the crown, who nro working lu closo co-operation with tho French authorities. Difficulties between Peru nnd Chile, which resulted In recall of consular representatives by ench nation from the principal cities cf its neighbor, hnvo been overcome by nn apology on tho part of the Peruvian government. It Is officially announced that Pero-nas Pero-nas withdrawn her counsuls from Chile as n result of the renewal of onlt-f Peruvian rioting In Iqulquo and Ante-, fngnsta,' and Chile has withdrawn Its counsuls In Peru. ' Tho Bosphorus hnvlng been cleared of mines, allied warships hnvo entered the Illnck sen and visited various ports from Varna around tho southern coast to Novorossysk. A number -of American auiimnnno chasers, accompanied by the parent ship Bucknell, have left Qucenstown. After an Inspection of tho German battleship nnd cruisers held by the entente nnd final settlement of their ownership by tho penco conference, nil the vessels probably will be sunk, as apparently there Is no disposition on the part of the entente to risk tho controversies con-troversies that would bo likely In case of nu attempted division of them, says u Loudon dispatch. It Is learned on nuthorlty that the nllled governments are considering a plan of limiting Joint application for the extradition of tho ex-knlser. Since the former emperor Is nt present nt Afn-erongen Afn-erongen castle, Holland, such application applica-tion would bo mndo to the Dutch government. gov-ernment. It Is estimated thnt there are CO.OOo cases of Influenza In Porto Itlco. The suffering lu thu rural communities Is reported to bo lntenf.e. There have been many deaths as a result of the epidemic. The first woman to bo appointed an ambassador has been nominated by the Hungarian government for tho post hi Switzerland. Sho Is tho Hungarian writer ami pacifist, Itoslku Sclnvluimer, Several thousand American soldiers sailed for home from Liverpool on Saturday on tho the liners uipinnu mm Minnehaha. It wns n stirring scene ns tho men marched from tho railway station and local camps to tho landing stngo, amid the rousing cheers from the throngs of people along tho streets. The German frontier wns crossed nt several places Sunday by American signal corps units and ambulance workers. Short trips were mndo Into Ithenlsh PrusBln, where tho Inhabitants Inhabit-ants nro reported to havo shown the Americans every consideration. Entente troops nro inarching on Kiev, according to advices to newspapers In Switzerland. General Bkpropadskl, Ukrainian dictator, hns surrendered, mid General Denlkine, leader of ontl-Bolshevist ontl-Bolshevist forces, has been named Ids successor, with tho consent of tho en-tent en-tent nations, It Is said. Disavowing nny wish to Intcrveno In American criticism of tho visit of President Wilson to Paris, tho London Times says that his presence In Paris Is much desired. Subscriptions to tho American fourth Liberty loan In Jnpaii reached a total of ?80O,000. Amorlcnn residents or travelers constituted practically tho entire en-tire number o'f subscribers. William Hohenzollcrn. tho former Germnn emperor, has not left tho grounds of Amerongon cnstlo slnco ho was Interned there, Dutch newspaper say. " I |