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Show FAMILIES OF MEN IN . SERVICE PROTECTED i 4- ' AMERICAN SOLDIERS AND 8AIU ; ORS SAFEGUARDED AGAINST .IS FINANCIAL DI8A3TER. - ' To Compulsory Allotments the Gov- . "' ernment Adds Family Aljowancet " . Ranging From $5 a Month to , , i" ,vj $50 a Month. Washington. That the lighting: ,'-v' ' men of Hie United States and their . i families left nt home ure materially ,' xufeguarded In (rcnurous way by the- f government Is set forth In u digest. ' - -r of the soldiers' and sailors' conipen- ' sutlon law. ., f The United States government pro- villi's three forms of llnniuiitl protce- ; tlon'foriltsjijlglitliig forces and their 1 . ' ' families: i Every enlisted man In the uctlvu- military or naval service Is under n duty to allot $15 it month from bis- . ; pay to his wife nnd children. To these compulsory allotments the gov-eminent gov-eminent nilds family allowances ranging rang-ing from n month for n motherless mother-less child, and $15 for a wife without . , children, up to n maximum of $50. " The compulsory allotments nro tho same for all enlisted men, regardless of rank or pay. In addition to the compulsory allotments, allot-ments, th& enlisted man may ulso mako voluntary allotments to his pa- , rents, grandparents, brothers, sisters, or grandchildren, and, If they are de- . i pendent upon hlm for support, the-government the-government may add certain monthly family allowances. Not more than . $50 In family allowances will be paid on account of any one unlisted man. By this system of allotments and , allowances the enlisted man and the government together make provision m ( fur the loved ones left behind. This compensation Is the modern American substitute for the pension. ' It applies to officers nnd enlisted men alike when employed lu active serv- lee, regnrdlesi of rank or pay, mid Ih payable for death or disability Incurred In-curred lu the line of duty nnd nut caused by their own wilful misconduct. In case of death, compensation. il which range from $20 to $75 a month. 'I Is paid to the soldier's or sailor's widow, children, and dependent father M or mother. No other relatives are en- 9 titled to compensation. The conipen- sutlon may be paid lo n widow 'until remarriage, and to a child until thu M ugc of 18, or until marriage. 'I In case of disability compciiftntlon M Is payable lo tho disabled person hlm- j self, the amount ranging from $.10 to- k $100 per mouth, depending upon the lv, disability and the number of depen- TO dents. m M If tho disability Is partial, the coin- V pensatlon Is n percentage, of the com- , M pensatlon that would be payable for total disability ami thu amount .varies according to Hut Mze of thu disabled U person's family nnd the reduction In "U Ids earning capacity. In certain specific spe-cific cases of total disability, such as the loss of both feet or both bands or both eyes, or for becoming help- , less nnd permanently bedridden, com- pensatlon Is. payable ut the rate of I $100 jier month. ! Compensation for deatji nnd illsn- blllty should be clearly distinguished f from thu government Insurance pro- ;' tectlon. which Is entirely separate. Government Insurance. - In addition to the compensation for death or disability, tho United State. I offers Its lighting forces the further I protection of government Insurance. This insurance Is protection against death or total permanent disability. It Is granted, on written, application, "vg la all persons In the active military il or naval service, Because, tho gov- N eminent, bars nil overhead expense MF nnd the extra wur hazard, tlio cost 4""J Is extremely low, Tho terms arc so favorable und the protection so broad ' Ki that thu mutter naturally rommeml fi Itself to nil men Joining thu colors. A. Tho premium rutu depends on the- i M"- man's age, and for the full $10,(XXr l averages between $(l and $7' n inoiilh. J , To obtain this government lusur-nnre lusur-nnre the man inust apply within 12 days after lie enters tho active mill- tury or naval service. H,- In riiso of death of- n person having .'J so applied for $10,000 Insurance,' the- Jj government will pay, so long ns there K. are persons living who nro entitled to " ' I receive the same, monthly Install- ments of $57.50 eut;h for twentyj'earB, whlcb, taking Interest In account, ug- , ft gregate $13,800. y ' j ' In case of total permanent dlsat c- blllty these monthly Installments of j $57X0 each will bo paid to the dls- " allied person throughout his life 2r Provlslon Is mndu for I he contlnua- I , Hon of h!s government Insurance I after leaving the service, nnd for Uts conversion under thu provisions er " I ibe act- without medical examination. '1 uot later than tlvo yeurj after the V. , -M clot.o of the war, uT |