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Show J I Keep Him From Your Home .,ff The climax of a recent thrilling story of a German who mas- n' '. querndcd ns a British officer is the exposure of the spy through his ' typically Teuton touch in kicking the face of n servant whom he had r..; knocked down. Jf'' "You might have knocked him down and been British," said the man who turned him over to the firing squad, "bit not the rest : of it." . Myriad undisputable instances of Hun bestiality unrestrained show him to have exhausted all imaginable possibilities of brutish- k ness in his treatment of his war victims. r Oversubscribe your quota of Fourth Liberty Loan bonds and r help throw the German army back across the Rhine where its own people may have t taste of its "will to power". v 'V ' ' - YOUNG MEN OF AMERICA! ' rl ,s? - . You wlil shortly bo sorvlng your country. Have you to offor , 4e,t to your nation tho services of ONE man or TEN? UNCLE SAM SAYS: A man trained Is worth ten untrained P Tho War Department has established at.the ItMJAH.-AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, Logan, Utah, FREE DEENTS' ARMY TRA'INING CORPS where It will train you T'10 pnt of 'Patriotic Duty lies straight I bofore you. lESfc' ' High School ) Enlist i it the UTAH AGRICULTURAL ' ' Graduates: C0LLEGE and ProPnre for : ' CollogoMon: ) COMMISSIONS IN THE ARMY Sfr. . SCIENTIFIC SERVICE '111? TECHNICAL LEADERSHIP V Young Mon of Grammar School Education: Opportunities o: ft-. 1st for you in tho S. A. T. C. Fill out and sond in tho accompanlng , S app Icatlon form. Trfon ask your local draft board to assign you I to tho S. A. T. C.jjf tho Utah Agricultural Collogo, for valuable vocational training. a" members of tho S. A. T. C. rocolvo full equlpmont and $30 wmi a montn PaV fr0, War Department. Tho Utah Agricultural Slw&r Colleo unit 13 rapidly filling up. Enroll Immediately. t Tno Co,leSO is retaining unlmparod Its oXtonsivo courses for young women and for young men not members of tho S. A'. T. C. Tho fall quarter opens September 30th. For further Informa-fttf Informa-fttf . "iion address PRESIDENT'S OFFICE, UTAH AGRICULTURAL H; : COLLEGE, LOGAN. UTAH ' Tno utah Agrlcultnral Collogo has been training soldiers for TWENTY SEVEN YEARS. . p APPLICATION CARD JKK'y AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE OF UTAH -ir al' ' Special Nlall Application From Ii tho undersigned, "a candidate for admission to the Agricul- tural College of Utah, and to tho Students' Army Training Corps JjMf f that institution, do hereby pledgo'myself, on bolng admittod, to tifftffifjft , conform strictly and at all times, to tho rules, and by all propor means to promote It3 best interests. t$mify Niuno In full Ago JeMs ? 'Homo address mk Uato of birth Former student of A.C.U? "SSS'4 Father's name f' Mother's maiden name , High School graduate Local board address J . The entrance fee may be paid by tho student upon his entrance if in college Xfc $! p The applicant should report for work on September 30th, or t k;' as soon thereafter as possible. ?. f, : r- You owe it to the Boys Over There Buy and Buy and By and By There'll be no Kalserl Liberty Bond or Liberty Bound, Which Will You Have It? Put Money In Bonds not Bonbons. Bonds Speak Louder than Words. Do Not Be a Bond Slacker. Hock the Kalier and Buy a Bond. Help Yankee Doodle Do the Despot. Des-pot. ' Pay His Way to 8t. Helena on Bonds. Help Boom the Loan to Doom the Kalserl A Man Who Won't Land Is the Kaiser's Frlendl The More Bonds You Buy the Fewer Boys Will Dlel If You Can't Flaht, Your Money Can. Freemen Buy Bonds; Slavet Wtar Them. ISAYE-&fe : E&IeV -BYWIRE f I "DO IT ELECTRICALLY" MONTH U r Soptombor Is DO IT ELECTRICALLY month all ovor tho United States. Thousands of 0 jl peopto aro putting asido tho old-fashlonod methods of housekeeping and are Installing of l modorn, officlont, Eloctrlc Appliances, that save so much time, labor and money fl t Join this great, progressive throng by gottlng tho full value of Electricity in your homo! O Tl To do this you should first equip your homo with Convonlonco Service Outlets. Thoso M 0 outlets provido handy placos for you to plug In your vacuum cloanor, oloctric Iron, wash- ing machino, otc, without tho troublo of unscrewing a light globe. You can havo them U j p'ut in ovory room at a low cost and without inconvonionco. Q 'i Call us up or drop us a lino and wo wilt give you ostimatos on comploto installrr- H ! tion of sorvlco outlets without putting you imdor any obligation. M I UTAH POWER & LSGHT COMPANY D I - "Efficlont Public Sorvico.n H The Branch House Man I This 9 one of the Swift & Company Company branch house won't run itself, and Branch House Men. that it is up to tho branch house man to , They are all pretty much alike in the ' run lt P"Perly 1 way they, feel toward their work and that Any branch house man who doesn't is what this ad is about. see his work in this light is transferred to They know that most people couldn't smet,thef Paco with, Sw'ft & Company to get such good meat promptly and In good which he 13 better adapted. condition If It weren't for the branch houses They ore picked men, these branch of which they are in charge. house men. Every time you sit down to a They know that the branch house is steak or chop, or cut of roast, ou can give one of the most important links in the chain grateful thought to the wholo crew of them. of preparing and distributing meat for a And remember, in a general way, that nation. everything that makes lifo smoother and They know that Swift & Company must more convenient for you.is the result of the have Its branch houses run at the highest thoughtfulness and effort of a lot of peoplo notch of usefulness; that even a Swift & of whom you have never heard. Swift & Company, U. S. A. H L sl J I ( Ol I A BOND FOR EVERY Member of the FAMLV I |