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Show LETTER FROM RULON H. MANNING ' -v , Duncdin, New Zealand, July 28,' 1919. TSditor Garland Globe ' Dear FrlenH: 41 Just had the pleasure of receiving re-ceiving four copies of tho good old Globe and believe. me, they were welcome being tho first mall I havo received from "Yan-koe-land" in two months. At present I am laboring in Duncdin, a city of 70,000 people, and am getting along fine. Now Zealand is a very good country, but tho "U. S." will do me. Wishing you every success and looking for moro "Globes," I remain, Yours truly, Rulon II. Manning, Box 72, Auckland, New Zealand. Elder Manning enclosed a picture of Princes Street and tho Postoffico at Duncdin. |