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Show Utah Industrial Indus-trial Review Pacific Coast Manufacturer and . Industrial NoWs Bureau Sept. 1 Alta Conditions here rapidly improving, with Homo mines approaching posi-! posi-! tion.that promises shipments In I near future. Saft Lake Erection of $40,- 000 L. D. S. chapel in Wells ! ward planned. , More than 20, 000 employes , of Swift & Co. own, stock, pur- 1 chased on an easy payment pro fit sharing basis. Salt Lake 40-mlle trail Into Black's Fork country in Sunf-mit Sunf-mit county being constructed by U. S. forestry csrvlce, cost $30,- ' 000, Utah commercial production of peaches estimated at 808,000 bu. as compared with 735,000 bu. last year. Provo Development work being be-ing done at Syndicate mine in Santaquln mining district pro-- pro-- mises, the opening of big mining fields of west. Salt Lake $75,000 medical ' ' building at U. of U. nears com- . pletion. , J ? " Twelve road building pro- Jects embracing over 105 mlics k' highway In Utah and Nevada k now being completed. ' Eureka Now auto route thru Salt Lako from Tintic district , assured. k Ore shipments from Tintic during week ending Aug. 23 to taled 137 cars. t The safety of America and ; Arilerican institutions today lies ; In the constant education of the ' peoplo to see tlio difference be tween . "evolution and rcvolu-jj-' Uon." JEt Provo Orem Cannery opens. 8.' Factory equipped to handle 85,- .jjHT 000 cans fruit daily. To employ 99k 200 workers where operating HKv full capacity. WmtL "; Huritavillo'&to "votcf Sept 23 on $50,000 bond issue for- reclamation re-clamation of 1,350 acres land in Huntsvillo drainage district. TT,P,roy,,tfy Bilos tullt. in Utah this sunjmer. Ogden Work begins on factory fac-tory of Kieckhefer Box Co. I Crops throughout Utah prospering despite dryness. Salt Lake Dixlo Power Co. asks ilermitfon to construct 100 miles of electrical transmission line from Cedar City. The Investigation of the packers pack-ers has developed the fact that the mam kick against them is from wholesale grocers who say the packers undersell them. The leading arrests for food hoarding and profiteering havo been among grocers, wholesale food dealers, co-operative creameries, etc., while fanners in free municipal markets are accused of changing same prices pri-ces as high .rent projects. Moab Kansas syndicate to drill for oil in this vicinity. . Brigham City Work of installing in-stalling lighting system, in business bus-iness section of this city progressing. pro-gressing. Moab Drilling operations at Levi well of western Allies Co. near hero continuing night and day. Scenic highway from head of Lamb's canyon to head of American Am-erican Fork canyon, 8 miles, to bo completed at cost of $128,-000. $128,-000. Tho production cost remains high In mining industry as prices pri-ces of material and wages havo advanced from 25 to 500 per cent since 1914 Provo to pave Fifth West Street, cost $44,224. Woods Cross $45,000 drainage district formed hero. Beaver City Press: "What Is the matter with Beaver? Wo havo a delightful climate, beautiful beau-tiful scenery, good roads, tho best side walk system in the state, fine soil, profitable farms, good ranges, wonderful mining possibilities, good school Bystem fewer merchants, more garages, moro money spent with mall order or-der houses, good bankB, poor meeting houses and a contented content-ed people." Tho time is here to call u :hajt,0h continually increasing wages to meet "increased"" cost of living for cost of living will never stop increasing as long as wages increase. Abnormal Iwages and prices of commodities commodi-ties aro against public welfare and stability of government. We must get onto the "honcBt days work" basis ,or this nation will reap a sad reward. Facts might as well be faced now, there has got to he moro work and less loafing. i Senator King of Utah says he has had enough of this government govern-ment control of everything and advocates getting back to the good old ways of allowing supply sup-ply and demand to regulate price. THE LIMIT REACHED Tho labor situation at Tono-pah Tono-pah remains unchanged except that with each hour it becoines moro serious. Quito and order prevail, according to reports from tho camp; nevertheless, both men and operators are more determined in their attitude. atti-tude. Later reports state that there Is danger of the strike spreading to Goldfierd. George Wlnfield, one of tho largest Nevada operators, has issued tho following' ultlmation: "There will be no compromise. Tho men employed on the Divide the men employed on the Divide properties are receiving $5 a day, with room and board at $40 a month. If thev can better bet-ter themselves elsewhere they are welcome to go. I will close down the properties I control before L Will grant any higher wngo demands." When the move is on to curb increasing cost of living it is folly to contnuo to increase wages beyond an already high point and a showdown might aB well take place now as any time. |